Chapter XX: End of the Enemy... For Now

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Will thought it was a miracle. He thought he was dead. But as he woke, he realized he wasn't.

He was lying on a makeshift bed on the ground, far enough away from the fighting to where he wouldn't be harmed. He reaches for the place he was stabbed. There was a bandage. It seemed he was properly treated for.

He tried to sit up. He barely managed to.

Will watched the fight from afar. Aurelius was fighting Kronos. Kronos' soldiers were scattered and slowly falling.

Will then looked around him, at the makeshift medical area. It was simple. A small space for the people who just needed a simple bandage then they could go back to battle. Then a larger place for the severely injured.

Like Will.

He looked around, searching for his bow. Maybe, he thought, I can help from here. He spots it, and reached for it.

"I don't think so, prince," Lee Fletcher, one of the healers of the Sun Kingdom, said, walking over. He kneeled down by Will. Will's eyes widened in surprise. "Lee," he said. "Hello," Lee said. "I- I didn't expect to see you," Will said. "Well, I am a field medic of the Sun Kingdom, so why wouldn't I be here?" Lee said. "Anyways, you're injured. I'm not letting you even touch that bow until you're healed or the battle is over." Will sighed and looked back over at the battle.

He noticed Nico, who was fighting three of Kronos' soldiers at once. Nico struck one down. The two others attacked at the same time. He couldn't parry, so he dodged the attacks. He started focusing on killing one of the soldiers. Both attacked Nico, but Nico was on the defensive side for one and on the offensive side for the other. He managed to kill the one he was attacking. He turned to the other. From what Will could see, the soldier looked afraid, but he fought anyway. He died by Nico's hand quickly.

Will continued to watch the fight, mainly focusing on Nico. But once there was only Aurelius and Kronos left, he averted his attention to them.

Aurelius was on one knee, sword a few feet away. Kronos was standing in front of him, sword in his hands, ready to kill. Will watched in horror as Kronos raised his sword. He was about to yell. Yell at his father to move out of the way. But then Kronos swung his sword. For a moment, Will thought it was too late. Until he heard the clash of metal. Nico was there.. He blocked Kronos' attack. Kronos stumbled back in surprise. "King Hades' son, if i'm not mistaken?" Kronos asked. "You're not," Nico said. "Hm," Kronos said, then he attacked.

Will watched anxiously from far away, wishing he could do something to help. But no, he thought, Lee had to not let me help. He scanned the area. Percy was trying to approach Kronos from behind. At least Percy is there to help, Will thought.

Kronos was on the offensive. And it was very aggressive. Luckily, Nico knew what he was doing. He blocked and parried each attack, occasionally trying to strike Kronos. Each time he tried, though, he never succeeded. But he kept trying anyway.

Kronos did an overhead strike. Nico blocked it. Kronos swung his sword at Nico's side. The prince blocked that one as well. It kept going like that. Kronos attacked. Nico blocked.

Meanwhile, Will noticed, Percy was ever so slowly approaching Kronos. His sword was raised and ready. But he couldn't get to Kronos easily. Mainly because Kronos kept moving, but also because the times when Nico tried to harm Kronos, it went past him and nearly struck Percy.

A few moments of watching later, Kronos managed to injure Nico. It was a small-ish cut on his side, but with all Will knew, he knew even the smallest of cuts could make a big difference. Hurry up, Percy.

Nico grunted and out his free hand over the cut. He took his hand off of it after a few seconds. His hand was bloody. He took a deep breath and raised his sword again, but before he could do anything, a sword stabbed Kronos from behind. It was Percy.

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