Chapter XXII: The First Mission

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Mission: find the hidden base of Kronos' Army and kill the enemies there.

Seemed easy enough to Nico.

Maybe not the finding part, but he'd have other people to help.

He was in his quarters, putting on simple armor vest that didn't look like armor for protection. He didn't bother with anywhere else. He was thinking he didn't need it.

He grabbed his sword and put it in the sheath on his belt. He grabbed a bag with necessities. He wondered who would be going on the mission with him.

Nico walked through the halls of the castle and to the front doors. He exited. There was a carriage waiting to take him to the meeting place. He got on and rode away.

The meeting place was in a forest. So far he was the only one there. He stood on the path, waiting. He stood there for a few more seconds, then he heard a rustle in the bushes. The prince gripped his sword. "Who's there?" He said. Nico remembered what Hades had taught him. Keep your guard up, even if there's a chance they're an ally. You can't be too careful.

He looked at the bush. There was another rustle at another bush. He turned to that one. Suddenly, an arrow shot flew through the air, lodging itself in the tree trunk by him. "Be aware of your surroundings. If you focus on one thing, you can get attacked from behind," said a familiar voice from behind him. Nico turned abruptly. He saw no one. "Oh, and, don't forget to look up. That's the direction people tend to forget," said the voice. Nico looked up, and he saw Will, standing on a tree branch. Nico's heart skipped a beat.

"Oh... hi," Nico said. "How long have you been here?" "Longer than you have," Will said. "I'm gonna stay on this branch for lookout, just in case." "Oh, alright," Nico said. He stood there awkwardly. Neither him nor Will said anything. After a few minutes, Kayla came.

"Hi Nico. Anyone else here yet?" She asked. Out of the corner of his eye, Nico saw Will nocking an arrow. "Nope. I'm the only one," he lied. A second later, an arrow lodged itself in the ground next to her foot. She yelped and pulled out her bow and nocked an arrow.

"Be aware of your surroundings, even if you think you're safe. Check everything. The bushes, trees, even long grass. You never know," Will said. Kayla looked up at him. "Will! Thanks the gods it's just you," she said. Will jumped down from the tree. "That's everyone. Follow me, I spotted something when I was on the tree," he said, and he started walking. Nico and Kayla followed.

After walking for awhile, Will looked up at the sun. "Let's take a break," he said. "Gladly," Kayla said. They found a sheltered spot. Will scouted the area and came back. "All clear," he said.

Nico opened his bag. He grabbed some food and ate it. He got his water canteen and drank some water. He rested his back on a tree. Kayla did the same. Will, on the other hand, stayed standing. "Why won't you rest?" Kayla asked. "I did that once, and I nearly died. There always has to be someone with their guard up while the others relax, even when you're not sleeping," Will said. "Oh..." she said. She started eating her food.

Nico quickly finished his, so he said, "Will, why don't you take a break? I'm rested enough now, I'll be on watch." Will looked at Nico gratefully. "Okay," he said. He and Nico switched places.

Nico stood, hand on the hilt of his sword. After a few minutes, both Kayla and Will were rested, so they all continued walking.

Kayla managed to converse with Will. Will seemed closed-off to Nico, even during the conversation that Nico totally wasn't listening to.

Kayla and Will were walking side-by-side, and Nico was in the back. Nico was ashamed to admit he was jealous, even though Kayla and Will were biologically siblings. But soon, unexpectedly, Will slowed and walked with Nico, leaving Kayla to lead.

After a few moments of silence, Nico asked, "does she know where she's going?" "Yeah, I told her," Will answered. Nico just nodded.

A few more moments of silence. Then, Nico spoke. "So... the dance," he said. "Is now really the time to bring it up?" Will asked. "Maybe, maybe not, but I am anyway. I probably won't be able to talk to you for awhile after this," Nico said. "I- okay. What about it?" Will asked.

"You asked me to dance."

"I did."

"And we danced."

"We did."

"Is there any reason you did?"

And that was where Will hesitated. Nico noticed that Will seemed like he didn't want to answer. After a few moments, though, he said something. "Well-" "Guys! I found it!" Kayla shouted, interrupting Will. He glanced at Nico the ran up to Kayla. "Be quieter next time, they could have heard you," Will was yelling Kayla when Nico walked over. "Sorry," Kayla said quietly. She noticed Nico and pointed at a small building with people walking around. The building had the words "Peace Mafia" crossed out, and instead was "Kronos' Army". "Could they make it more obvious?" Nico said. Will chuckled.

"Okay: plan. Nico, you can hold your own against them while me and Kayla shoot them down from the sidelines?" Will asked. "That works, I think," Nico said. Kayla agreed, and they got into position.

Nico looked at Will for the signal. Go whenever, he mouthed. Nico nodded, and a few second later he charged in with his sword up. He stabbed one person through the heart and cut another's throat before they knew what was happening. They realized when Nico killed another person. They all attacked him, but Kayla and Will shot them from behind, decreasing their numbers significantly. After only a minute or two, the mission was over. Will searched the building. No one. The mission was officially over. They just needed to find the nearest town.

As they walked along a trail, Nico and Will didn't continue their conversation. It was only until after sunset they did.

When sunset hit, they found a place to sleep. "I'll take the first watch, I'll wake Nico up after, then Nico will wake Kayla so we can take turns," Will said. They all settled in the area.

Nico was not able to sleep. He was thinking about what Will was gonna say. He wanted to know. So, he got up and stood next to Will.

Will was surprised, Nico could see. Surprised that Nico was awake. "Can't sleep?" Will asked. "Yeah," Nico answered. "Hm," Will said.

They stood in peaceful silence until Nico said, "What were you going to say earlier?" Will stared at the sky, the looked at Nico. Nico turned his head and looked at Will. He was suddenly aware at how close they were. He saw Will noticed too. But neither did anything about it.

They stared at each other, Nico getting lost in Will's eyes and forgetting what he had asked. But he remembered a moment later. He was about to ask it again when he was suddenly cut off.

By Will.

Will put his hands on Nico's cheeks and kissed him.

Nico's heart beat faster. He was shocked. But after a moment, Nico kissed Will back and wrapped his arms around Will's neck.

The two princes broke apart after a few seconds. Nico was breathless. His arms were still around Will's neck and Will's hands were still on his cheeks. They were staring into each other's eyes again when Will leaned in halfway for another kiss. Nico closed the gap and kissed Will again.

Once they broke apart, Will said, "did that answer your question, on why I asked you to dance?" Nico chuckled slightly. "Yeah... it did," he answered. Will smiled. "You need to get some sleep before your watch. You need to be rested," he said. Nico nodded. "Okay. I'll try."

Will took his hands off of Nico's cheek, and Nico took his arms away from around Will's neck. They stared at each other for a few more seconds, then Nico went to his area and tried to sleep before his watch.

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