I cried like a baby coming home from the bar

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Taylor's P.O.V.
Well. That teased him didn't it? Hope he understands now. "Hey Niall?" "Yeah!" "I thought you kicked out all the sex workers." He giggles. "So you've met Kimberly." "If she's the horny bitch with the tattoos, yes." He laughed at that. "That's one way to describe the gal." I grin. "Can I have a tequila? Kimberly got pissed and didn't serve me because I didn't want to do her." "Course." He says as he pours a glass. "Straight?" "Sure." "Getting risky tonight." He exclaims. Add an f and I've already done that. I nod. I see Harry go up to his bag and pull something out. It looks like powder. Shit. I roll my eyes and get back to my drink. "You alright?" Niall asks. "Oh yeah it's just Harry's doing drugs in that corner." He smirks. "When is he not? He always snorts or smokes after sex. I'm assuming you two fucked so." I nod and roll my eyes. At that second the cops burst in the door. "Hey cops weren't invited! Although it's the place to be when you crave sex." Niall screams. One of the cops throws something at Niall. "Where's Styles?" One of them shouts. Does he know about the coke? Or did Harry do something else? Kimberly gives a small chuckle. "Over there sir, snorting hard drugs." Shit. Kimberly the fucking snitch. "Kimberly! Did you call the cops on my best friend?" Niall roars. She shrugs. "You shouldn't come to a sex shop and refuse to fuck the workers." At that sentence I scream and go to pounce on her. I felt someone pull me back and everything went black.
Harry's P.O.V.
I run forwards and grab Taylor. Kimberly is a bitch, but I can't let Taylor go to jail. "Did she just faint?" Liam says. I nod shaking. One of the cops takes her and brings her outside. "Someone call an Uber." He says. Zayn does. I feel another cop handcuff me. Mad to think I was in these last night having an orgasm. "Got yourself in jail again Styles?" He teases. "And I'll get myself out again." I grimace. They throw me into the cop car and drive to the station.
Taylor's P.O.V.
I'm awake.  I'm in an Uber and I see the hotel. Where's Harry? Is he okay? I begin to cry. "Take me to the police station. Now." I sob. "No. Someone will get him out. It's happened enough times." The man says. I scream. He pats me on the back and pulls in. I leave the car and mutter a quick thanks. Why does this always happen? I go to my room and Louis is waiting there. "Jesus Louis." I mutter. "I'm worried for Harry too, but Liam's gone to the station to work something out. He'll be back. He always does." I nod and Louis lies down. "You know we're not official. You can have him if you want." I say. Louis stares at me blankly. "Taylor I have a girlfriend and a kid. I've moved on. You two are better together." I smile. "Thanks." I don't remember after that because I fell asleep. It's morning. Harry isn't here. Everything feels wrong. I didn't think I cared about him but I do. Fuck I do. I put my head in my hands and groan. I should have took the coke away. I should have fucked dumbass Kimberly. "Are you alright Taylor?" Louis calls. I nod and he gives me a sympathetic look. At that point Zayn comes in. "Vas happenin?" He says. "You know full well." Louis sighs. "Just tryna lighten the mood. Liam's on his way here. I don't know if Harry's with him or not." My brain starts going wild. He could be okay! But he also might be half dead in a prison cell. "Well that's better than no isn't it?" Louis says. I hope he's okay, there are tears streaming down my face. At that moment someone knocks on the door. Zayn opens it. It's Liam. And there's a familiar face next to him. Harry. I run to him and jump in his arms. He smiles and looks down at me. "Knew I'd get out." He said. "Mind you Harry you cost 15,000 quid to bail out I want compensation." Liam said. "Well your compensation is the fact you're in my presence." Harry joked. "I missed you." I whisper. "I was only gone for a night." Harry pointed out. "Yeah but you might have been gone a lot longer." I said. He just laughed. "I love you Harry." "I loved you for a lot longer." He says playfully. I shove him lightly. "Well we'll give you two some privacy for a bit. Maybe a like, prison breakout sex session!" Niall exclaims. I didn't even know he was here. He must have arrived while I was asleep. "Niall not every relationship has to have sex every day." Harry murmurs. "But all the best ones do." Niall says winking. Harry rolled his eyes and the band left. "So we're dating." I say. "No shit Sherlock." He jokes. I kiss his cheek and he blushes. I missed being in love with him. "Niall has a point though, we should fuck." I say cheekily. "You're a bad girl Taylor." Harry whispers as we walk to the bed.

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