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19th Century
Azov Dynasty, somewhere near the UK,
"Dad, why is this war going to happen?" Prince of Azov asked.
"The Samar Empire wants to conquer our dynasty." King of Azov said.
"Why?" Prince of Azov asked.
"Why does a country conquer over the other country?" King of Azov asked.
"To rule over it and make it a slave... Maybe." Prince of Azov said.
"Not maybe... It is true... They want to rule over us." King of Azov said.
"I am going to kill the Prince of Samar." Prince of Azov said.
"He is more powerful than you." King of Azov said.
"Not only powerful but also intelligent. He is in the castle, my King." Commander said.
"What was the army doing there?" King of Azov asked.
"He burnt them all. He is so cruel. You can't defeat him, Prince." Commander said.
"If we have this type of commander, then why do we need enemies to demotivate?" Prince of Azov said.
"I am not demotivating you. I am saying go, run and never come back... Because everyone in your family is going to die." Commander said.
"Wha-What?" Prince of Azov asked.
Commander claps.
"Hello Prince Louis of Azov." Prince of Samar said.
"How? How did you get in here?" King asked.
"All thanks goes to your commander... He helped me..." Prince of Samar said.
"You coward." King of Azov said.
"No, he is not a coward... You were wrong in identifying him... He was always against you because..." Prince of Samar said.
"Because?" Prince of Azov asked.
"Because he was never a Commander... He is my brother, Prince Thaddeus of Samar." Prince of Samar said.
"What?" King asked.
"Yeah... I am Prince Thaddeus of Samar." Prince said.
"Goodbye, King of Azov and Prince of Azov." Prince of Samar said.
"What?" Asked the King of Azov.
Prince Thaddeus beheaded both, the King and the Prince.
"Wonderful, Prince Thaddeus. Here is your gift." Prince of Samar said and stabbed Prince Thaddeus.
All the soldiers were shocked.
"What have you done, James?" Prince Thaddeus asked.
"I had to clear my path to the throne so I killed you... And yes, I killed you for the throne because father was going to make YOU the King." Prince James said.
"God will never forgive you, James." Prince Thaddeus said and died.
Soldiers were shocked and were seeing each other.
"And you all... The King of Azov killed Prince Thaddeus not me... You all will say this to my father. Is that clear?" Prince James asked.
"Yes, Prince." Soldiers said in low voice.
"Is that clear!" Prince James exclaimed.
"Yes Prince!" Soldiers said in High voice.
"Yes, that's my soldiers... You all may go now." Prince James said.
Same day,
(Scene of Court)
"How did this happen?" King of Samar asked.
"The King of Azov killed him in front of me, father." Prince James said emotionally.
"He is so dramatic." Soldier said.
"Who else saw that?" King asked.
All the soldiers present there raised their hands.
"They all are witness, father. But don't you believe me?" Prince James asked.
"No, I don't believe you." King said.
Prince James was angry.
"I am also your son, father... Why didn't you never believe me?" Prince James asked.
"Because you are not trustworthy. You have always broke my trust, James." King said. "But unfortunately, now you are my heir." He added.
"Unfortunately, father?" Prince James asked.
"Yes, unfortunately... You're the heir to the Throne." King said in a sad tone.
"I will remember this, father... I will... Always." Prince James said.
Funeral of Prince Thaddeus happened.
"Father, I want to confess something... And you should know this before you die." Prince James said.
"What?" King of Samar asked.
"It was me... It was me, who killed Thaddeus... I stabbed him with my sword... This sword." Prince James said by showing his sword.
"Are you drunk?" King of Samar asked.
"That doesn't matter, father... You can ask anyone present here... Especially the soldiers who were there at the time I killed Thaddeus." Prince James said.
"Commander! Arrest the Crown Prince!" The King of Samar said.
"Now!" Prince James said.
Prince James' soldiers killed the King with bullets.
"Goodbye father..." Prince James said.
"Arrest the Crown Prince!" Commander exclaimed.
"This man too." Prince James said.
The soldiers killed the Commander too.
"Now, I am the King... I am the King of Samar Empire!" Prince James said and laughed.

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