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"I am going to tell you the name of the heir to the throne." The King said. "I cannot let this happen." Said Queen Amina. "Don't interfere between him, Amina." Said the Queen Consort. "Why? Because you know that he is going to say the name of your son?" Asked the Queen. "Because this is an official meeting." Said the Queen Consort. "You know that he is going to tell the name of Herold." Queen Amina said. "Just listen to him, Queen Amina." Queen Consort said.
                      "And the name of the heir to the throne is..." The King said. "Stop this, my King." Queen Amina said. "What, Queen Amina?" Asked the King. "The name should not be taken by you... But by vote." Queen Amina said. "Queen Amina, this is against the principles of the Samar Empire." Said the King. "You're the King, you can change the principles." Queen Amina said. "Queen Amina, we are not gonna change the principles for you." Said the King. Queen Amina got embarassed and went from there. "So the heir to the throne is Prince Herold." Said the King. "You should have gave us a chance to prove ourselves, father." Prince Joe said. "You don't need to prove yourself, Prince Joe. We know how you are..." The King said. "But father..." Prince Joe said. "The Court Adjourned." The King said by stopping Prince Joe. "Prince Joe, come and meet me in the room with your mother." Said the King. "Yes, My King." Prince Joe said. The King exhaled deeply.
(King's Room)
"Yes, King. You asked me to come?" Queen Amina asked. "Just wait for others." Said the King. "Others?" Prince Joe asked. "Yes, father... You asked us to come?" Crown Prince asked. "Now the whole family is here." Said the King. "You embarassed us in the court and now in front of them too?" Queen Amina asked. "Queen Amina, I got embarassed because of you and Joe. I didn't know that you will take this political allegiance too seriously... I already told your father that if I ever had a child with you, he/she will never become a King if it is a boy." Said the King. "Baba was naive, he..." Queen Amina said but The King interrupted her and said, "If he is so naive then he would not be a Sultan of the big dynasty. He is a normal person, a normal King just like me and Henry." An awkward silence occured and The Crown Prince Herold fainted. "Herold!" The King exclaimed. "Ask the doctor to come!" Queen Consort exclaimed. "Call the Doctor!" Said the commander.
    The doctor came and checked the Prince. "My lord, someone has gave him slow poison." Said the doctor. "Poison?" The King asked. "Yes, and it is so powerful that medicines can't work on him." The Doctor said. "What? Any other medicine? Of any other doctor?" Asked the King. "No... This poison is still a mystery for us. Just pray that he wakes up..." The Doctor said. "Doctor, what if he don't wake up?" Asked Queen Amina. The doctor nodded No. "Huh? No..." Queen Consort said crying and fell. "Mother." Prince Harry said. "Why again!?" The King exclaimed crying. "Again?" Prince Joe asked. "They have lost one more child before Herold." Prince Harry said. Queen Consort continuously crying. "Mother, don't cry... Brother will be fine." Prince Harry said. "No, he can't do that to me again. You cannot do that to me again!" The King exclusive crying. "Pray, James." late Queen said. "God, please take my life for Herold's life. Please give him my life. You can take me instead of him. I am not asking you for changing the principles of nature. But please take my life for him. Please cure him." The King prayed crying.
       "Don't stop, James... Keep praying." late Queen said. "Mother?" Queen Consort asked. "What?" late Queen asked. "King, is that your mother's voice?" Asked the Queen Consort. "How can she hear me?" late Queen asked. "I can't only hear you but also I can see you." Said the Queen Consort. "How?" late Queen asked. "Mother, please have mercy on us." Queen Consort said crying. "I can't do anything, Beatrice... Only James can do something now... Which he is doing." Said the late Queen. "His life for Herold's? No... I can't give up my husband for him." Queen Amina said. "This is the difference between you and Beatrice, Amina... You are selfish. You care for yourself only." late Queen said. "God, take my life for Herold's. Don't take him from us. He is the future of this Kingdom. You can take me instead of him." King said.
Thunder storms started to occur and it's been 3 days The King has not are a single piece of bread or drank a single drop of water. "Mother, he has not eaten anything for over 4 days..." Queen Consort said crying. "He will be okay, Beatrice. Don't worry, he will be free from all the curses and the prosecutions with which he has been living for over 21 years." late Queen said. "Wha-What do you mean?" Asked the Queen Consort. "Which you are thinking." late Queen said. "Fa-Father..." Prince Herold said. "My life for Herold's." The King said and fell. "King!" Commander exclaimed. "The King is now free from all the curses and the prosecutions he has been living with... Start preparing for his funeral and also the coronation of Prince Herold." Queen Consort said. "How can he defeat the death!?" Queen Amina exclaimed in her room. "What? What do you?" Prince Joe asked. "I have been giving him that slow poison for over a month... So that he dies and you become the King." Queen Amina said.
        "Queen Amina gave him the slow poison." Said the late Queen. "What?" Asked the Queen Consort. "Yes, take care of my grandson. Now, we all are free... We are going, Beatrice. We are going with James." late Queen said. The Queen Consort started crying.

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