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A few months later,
"I, Henry Elixir, accepts Elixir as my truly ruling Kingdom. Under my reign, The Church of God and the people of this Kingdom will hold true peace. I will forbid the acts of Robbery and Iniquity and I will uphold justice and mercy in all judgements. And I will be loyal to His Majesty The King James under whom I will run this Kingdom." The new King of Elixir said.
"Amen." The high priest said.
"King Henry!" Commander exclaimed.
"Long Live." All said.
"Congratulations, Henry." King James said.
"Thank you, your majesty." King Henry said. "Where is Queen Consort?" He added.
"You know she's pregnant and the doctor told her not to travel so she is in Samar Castle." King James said.
"How much period is left?" King Henry asked.
"2 months if I'm right in Mathematics." King James said.
King James and King Henry laughed together. They became friends so fastly.
2 months later,
(Queen Consort screams in pain)
"Everything will be alright, don't worry." Doctor said.
"Keep Calm, King James." King Henry said.
"Yeah, Yeah." King James said.
"Remember, your this child will not survive for so long, James." late Queen said.
King James recalled these words of his mother which she told him a month ago.
"Congratulations, King. It's a boy." Doctor said.
"Congratulations, King." King Henry said.
"Thank you." King James said.
King James was still tensed about those words.
King Henry understood that he is tensed.

"Your Majesty, why are you tensed?" King Henry asked.

"I... I am not tensed. I am just happy... I can't express my feelings." King James said.

But King Henry knew that he is tensed about something and then he remembered his sister's words that King James can see dead people and maybe that's why he is tensed.

"Your Majesty, are you tensed about the souls?" King Henry asked.

"About what?" King James asked.

"About souls." King Henry said.

"Who told you this?" King James asked.

"Beatrice." He said.

"I'm... I am worried about those words said by my mother to me." King James said.

"What words?" King Henry asked.

"My child will not survive for so long." King James said in King Henry's ear.

"Oh no... And if she is right then..." King Henry said.

"I have to be very careful about the baby." King James said.

"Increase the protection around the castle and especially around the room of the new Prince." King Henry said.

"Yes, my King!" Soldiers said.

"Thank you, King." King James said.

"It's okay, Your Majesty." King Henry said.

"King, you can now meet them." Doctor said.

"Thank you, doctor." King James said.

He went inside the room.

(Baby crying)

"Ooh my son... Don't cry." King James said by lifting him.

"Your son. Our son. The future King." Queen Consort said.

"He is not a heir yet... He will definitely have to face challenges..." King James said.

"Hmm and also he will have to fight with his other brothers." Queen Consort said.

"Hmm." King James said.

"George." Queen Consort said.

"What?" King James asked.

"My mother loved this name... His name should be George." Queen Consort said.

"George." King James said.

Baby slept in the hands of the King.

"He's asleep." King James whispered.

"Put him in the cratch." Queen Consort whispered.

King put the Prince in the cratch.

"Queen Consort, I want to talk to you..." King James said.

"What is it?" Queen Consort asked.

"It's about him..." King James said.

"Yes, say it." Queen Consort said.

"My mother told me that my this baby will not survive for a long time." King James said.

"What?" Queen Consort asked and scoffs.

"It's not funny... She literally told me that..." King James said.

"Don't make me scared, sire." Queen Consort said.

"But it is true..." King James said.

Baby again started crying.

"Oh no..." King James said.

Queen Consort was struggling to get up from the bed.

"No, stop... I will see him." King James said.

But suddenly baby stopped crying.

"Huh?" Queen Consort asked.

When the King saw him, he saw that white liquid was flowing from Prince's mouth.

"Doctor! Doctor!" King exclaimed.

Doctor came running.

"What happened, sire?" Doctor asked.

"White liquid is flowing from baby's mouth." King James said.

"What?" Queen Consort asked.

"King, please stop the Queen from getting up... She is weak... Please." Doctor said.

"Yes." King James said.

Doctor checked him.

"What happened, doctor?" King Henry asked.

Doctor nodded 'No'.

"Oh." King Henry said and deeply exhaled.

"What happened, Henry?" King James asked.

King Henry saw in King James' eyes. King James understood what he wanted to say.

"No." King James said emotionally.

"What? What is happening here? Why are you silent? Why are you not saying anything?" Queen Consort asked crying.

"Queen, please brace yourself." Doctor said.

King James hugged Queen Consort and started crying and King Henry took the body of Prince out of the room.

"Where is he taking him? My son! George! No... Please... Why did he take him?" Queen Consort asked crying.

"Brace yourself, Beatrice." Crying King James asked.

"What just happened?" Prince Thaddeus asked.

"It was written... I knew it... And I told him that." late Queen said.

"Oh no." Prince Thaddeus said.

"Why are you doing this?! Stop all this! He was just a baby!" Crying King James exclaimed.

"Nothing was in our hands, James... Stop crying. Now you understand? How I felt? When you killed Thaddeus? This is how I felt..." late King said.

King James continuously crying.

They did his funeral.

"Where is my baby? Where did you take him?" Crying Queen Consort asked King Henry.

"Brace yourself, Beatrice... He will never come back... Try to understand." King Henry said and hugged her.

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