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"Wait a minute." King James said. "Can you please all leave us alone?" He added.
"What?" Queen Beatrice asked. "We are alone, King." She added.
"Um, no... We are not. I can see and hear ghosts or say souls." King James said.
"What?" Queen Beatrice asked.
"Yes and my whole family was here, just a minute ago." King James said.
"Okay, nice." Queen Beatrice said.
"Nice?" King James asked.
"Nice way of making me scared." Queen Beatrice said.
"You think I'm joking?" King James asked.
"Of course... There is nothing like ghosts or souls." Queen Beatrice said.
"There is, Queen Consort." King James said.
"Okay so... okay... I believe you." Queen Beatrice said.
"Thank you so much... But don't tell this to anyone." King James said.
"Of course." Queen Beatrice said.
"Thanks." King James said.
A few months later,
"My lord, what title will you give to your children?" A minister asked.
"Yeah, it's the toughest question, Minister." King James said.
"My lord, we have Rampus, Alcazar, Elixir, Samar and Azov." Commander said.
"My heir to the throne will be given the title of Prince of Elixir. Is that correct, Queen Consort?" King James asked.
"You should ask about it to father, King." Queen Beatrice said.
"Hmm. And if I have any other children then I can give them Dukes or Duchesses of Rampus, Alcazar and Azov." King James said.
"That's good, My Lord." Minister said.
"The court adjourned." King James said.
When Queen Consort stood up she felt dizzy and fainted.
"Queen Consort!" King James exclaimed.
"Call the Doctor! Fast!" Commander exclaimed.
Doctor came. Everyone was in court.
"Doctor, what is it?" King James asked.
"Let me check." Doctor said.
Doctor checked Queen Consort and smiled.
"King James, congratulations... She is carrying your child. She's expecting a baby." Doctor said.
"Really?" King Kames asked.
"Yes." Doctor said and went.
"Congratulations, King." Commander said.
"King! King! It's a bad news from Elixir Kingdom." Messenger said.
"What? What is it?" King James asked.
"King of Elixir is so ill. His health is delicate. Maybe he will not survive." Messenger said.
"Get the caravan ready. We are going to Elixir." King James said. "And also, don't tell the Queen Consort about it." He added.
"What they will not tell me?" Queen Consort asked.
"Queen Consort. Congratulations, we are going to be parents." King James said.
"Really?" Queen Consort asked happily.
"Yes." King James said.
"But still my question is same." Queen Beatrice said.
"We are going to Elixir." King James said.
"Why?" Queen Beatrice asked.
"To bid your father a last farewell." King James said.
"What?" Queen Beatrice asked.
"He is not well, Queen Consort. And he will not be able to make it." King James said.
Queen Beatrice started crying.
"Don't cry, Queen Consort." King said.
They reached Elixir Kingdom. When they reached, it was so silent. No one was out of their houses. The market was closed. Only stray animals were on the streets.
"Why is it so silent?" King James asked.
"I don't know." Queen Beatrice said. "It was last time like this when my Grandfather passed away." She added.
"Oh no." King James said silently. "Get us to the Castle fast." He added.
They reached the castle.
"Baba." Queen Beatrice said.
Queen of Elixir was crying.
"Mama? Why are you crying? Baba is okay, isn't he?" Queen Beatrice asked.
Queen kept crying and hugged Queen Consort.
"King James, he was not able to survive. He passed away an hour ago." Commander of Elixir said.
Queen Beatrice also started crying.
"Queen Consort please don't cry... It will affect the baby." King James said.
"Baby?" Commander of Elixir asked.
"She's expecting a baby." King James said.
"The king would have been so happy to know this." Commander of Elixir said.
"Hmm." King James said.
"King James, he didn't has any heir to the throne. But he has an illegitimate son, we can let him do the last rites of the late King if you say so." The high priest said.
"Who is he?" King James asked.
"Call him here. Also his mother." The high priest said.
Henry and his mother came.
"Why us he illegitimate?" King James asked the Commander of Elixir.
"Henry's mother is a concubine." Commander said.
"Okay. Still he is not illegitimate." King James said.
"Maybe not." Commander said.
"Legitimate or not but he is his son. And also the heir to the throne." King James said.
"What are you saying, King James?" The high priest asked.
"Yes, high priest. He is a legitimate son of the late King." King James said.
"Why are you doing this?" Commander of Elixir asked.
"Beatrice considers him her brother. And I am doing this only for her." King James said.
"But you can't make an illegitimate son, a king." Commander of Elixir said.
"He will run the kingdom under my name." King James said.
"Then he will not be able to do anything without your permission." Commander of Elixir said.
"Exactly." King James said.
"I, King James Gabriel, announces Henry Elixir as the new King of Elixir Kingdom who will run this Kingdom under my name." King James said.
"Thank you, King James." Henry said.

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