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"What have you done, James? You killed your father!" The Queen of Samar asked crying.
"Because he always did partiality with me... I was always the true heir of the throne but he was going to make Thaddeus the heir." Prince James said.
"So you killed him? You killed your brother and now your Father?" Queen asked.
"I can kill you too if needed." Prince James said.
"You are... so selfish. You will never become a good ruler, James. I am cursing you. Your heir will also suffer the same as Thaddeus suffered." Queen said crying.
"Mom!" Prince James exclaimed.
"Shut up! I am the ruler right now... Not you. I can order to kill you but I will not... Because I want you to suffer." Queen said crying.
Prince James went from Queen's room.
"Kill her." Prince James said.
Soldier went inside and stabbed her.
(Queen screams)
"You deserved this, mother." Prince James said emotionally.
"James." Queen said and died.
Next day,
"As we know, we have lost 3 important people of the Samar Empire. We have to announce the name of the new King. And the only person left from the royal family is our new King. King James Gabriel." Commander said.
"King James!" Commander exclaimed.
"Long Live!" All said.
King James laughed.
"Now, as I am the King now, you all will obey me. Get the troops ready for the battle." King said.
"For which battle, My Lord?" Commander asked.
"We are expanding the Samar Empire, aren't we?" King asked.
"Yes, we are." Commander said.
"We will start from Rampus Dynasty, then Elixir kingdom and then last Alcazar Dynasty. And also people who are staying here will prepare for my wedding." King James said.
"As you wish, my lord." Commander said.
"I will marry the Princess of Elixir Kingdom." King James said.
A few months later,
"My lord, we have conquered the Rampus Dynasty and The Alcazar Dynasty." Commander said.
"What about Elixir Kingdom?" King asked.
"They are ready to be with you peacefully and also they are ready to get the Princess marry you." Commander said.
"Oh, that's so good. Still tell the troops to be ready." King said.
"Yes, my lord." Commander said.
"What does the King wants to do? Is he going to kill the King of Elixir Kingdom?" Commander asked himself in mind.
"Do you want to say something?" King asked.
"No, my lord." Commander said.
"You may go now." King said.
The commander went from the room.
"Mother, you were wrong about me... I am the successful King of my age." King said.
"But not for so long." Queen said.
"Mother?" King asked.
"Soul of your Mother. We haven't left the Castle yet, James." Queen said.
"Who we?" King asked.
King James got scared.
"Your father, Thaddeus and I... King James." late Queen said.
"This is where you killed me, isn't it, James?" Prince Thaddeus asked.
"Tha-Thaddeus..." King James said.
"Yes, I am... King James." Thaddeus said.
"James, you have done everything wrong. You will have to pay for it, soon." late King said.
"Father, please... Don't scare me." King James said.
"We are not scaring you... We are warning you, James." Prince Thaddeus said.
"Be ready for everything which is going to come in your life. Go and marry Princess Beatrice but don't kill her father which you were going to do." late Queen said.
"Ok-Okay." King James said stammering.
"We are always here, James. Until we get justice." late King said.
"Justice? How?" King James asked.
"By your death, brother." Prince Thaddeus said.
He was talking in air and no one else was able to hear the 3 souls. Only King James was hearing them.
"What happened, King? Are you okay? Who are you talking to?" Valet asked.
"You are not listening to them?" King asked.
"Who?" Valet asked.
"My father, mother and brother." King James said.
"They can't hear us. Only you can hear us, James." Prince Thaddeus said.
"What? Are you okay? You need to rest." Valet said.
"Always remember, we are here. Until you die." late King said.
"Leave." King James said.
The Valet left the room. And King locked the room.
"You can't do that. Parents of a child can't do this." King James said.
"Oh nice. A child can kill his Parents?" Prince Thaddeus asked.
"Now rest and remember what we said. Don't kill the King of Elixir Kingdom and only marry Princess Beatrice let them rule how they were doing this before." late Queen said.
"Yes, yes... Mother." King James said.

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