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21st Century,

"So this happened to your great great grandfather, George." The King said. "How did he change so much, father?" Prince George asked. "I told you in the middle, didn't I?" The King asked. "I don't remember." Prince George said. "Because the soul of his mother told him to change and become merciful and loyal King." The King said. "Then what happened to great grandfather?" Asked Prince George. "Will tell you later." Said the King. "King James, they are here." Valet said. "Yes, I am coming." King James II said. "Who is here, father?" Prince George asked. "Your great great grandmother, Queen Consort Beatrice's family members with whom your grandfather broke the ties." Said the King. "Oh, okay father..." Prince George said and smiled. The King went from there.

                 "If great great grandfather can change then why can't Jake?" Prince George asked himself. "Maybe because he is not like great great grandfather. Because he is worse than him." Prince Jake said. "Jake brother." Prince George said. "Hmm." Prince Jake said. "Maybe he is not worse but he shows himself worse than him. He is much better than great great grandfather." Prince George said. "You're so optimistic, George... Why am I not?" Asked Prince Jake. "Because you're not Prince George." Prince George said and laughed. "Oh Prince George, huh?" Asked Prince Jake and they started having fun.

King James II is the second youngest King there ever been in The Samar Empire's history. He has two sons and a daughter. The elder one is Prince Jake (19), who shows himself worse than King James I but is like King Herold, a caring and loving person. Second is Princess Eugene (17), much like her great great grandmother but much more loving and emotional girl. And the third is Prince George (12), the youngest Prince, everyone loves him and he loves everyone; he can change anyone just like he did to Prince Jake. Also King James II has two wives, both the wives are loving, caring and loyal to their husband. And the main thing that both the Queens love each other too. First is Queen Consort Lilian, the three children are of her and the second is Queen Diana, she don't have any child so she takes care of Prince George just like he is her boy. The three children don't pretend Queen Diana as their stepmother, they love her like their real mother, Queen Consort Lilian.

               "Your Majesty the King." King Henry III said by bowing down. "King Henry III, welcome... You know why..." King said but King Henry stopped him and said, "Before you say anything, I want to clear something." The King nodded Yes. "I also want to end this situation which our grandfathers started. But at only one condition." Said King Henry. "And what is it?" Asked the King. "The Elixir Kingdom will no longer under the influence of The Samar Empire." Said King Henry. "Hmm. And here is one thing I want to say." The King said. "Yes." King Henry said. "I accept your condition." Said the King and smiled. "Oh, thank you, Your Majesty." Said King Henry. "Will not you hug your brother?" Asked the King. "Yes, brother." Said King Henry and hugged him. "So tell me about yourself, Henry." Said the King. "I have a wife, Queen Consort Gracey and two children. Princess Charlotte, she is 19 years old and Prince Thaddeus, he is 17 years old." Said King Henry. "Oh, um... I have two wives, Queen Consort Lilian and Queen Diana. And from Lilian, I have three children. Prince Jake, he is 19 years old. Princess Eugene, she is 17 years old and Prince George, he is 12 years old." Said the King. "And from Queen Diana?" Asked King Henry. "She can't be a mother... So she is taking care of George." Said the King. "Oh, that's nice. And are they happy together?" Asked King Henry. "Happy? They are enjoying together... Both the Queens love each other... And my children love their both mothers." Said the King. "That's very nice otherwise it could be like Queen Amina and Queen Consort Beatrice." Said King Henry. "Yeah... But they are very much better than my great grandmothers." Said the King. "Yeah... Which is good for the Empire." Said King Henry. "We are fourth cousins, aren't we?" Asked the King. "Yeah, why?" Asked King Henry. "And our children our fifth cousins." Said the King. "Uh huh..." said King Henry. "And third cousins and above that can marry." Said the King. "Yeah, so?" Asked King Henry. "What if we arrange our children to marry?" Asked the King. "Prince Jake to Princess Charlotte and Prince Thaddeus and Princess Eugene?" Asked King Henry. "Yeah." Said the King. "We should ask our children first." Said King Henry. "Yeah. We will meet soon again." Said the King. "Now I should go." Said King Henry. "Why? Why don't you have lunch with us?" Asked the King. "I have something very important to do... So..." said King Henry. "Okay, we will meet soon." Said the King. "Hmm." Said King Henry and smiled. Both hugged each other.

             "Prince Jake..." Said The King. "Father... Yeah." Said the Prince. "I want to discuss something with you." Said the King. "Yes, say." Prince Jake said. "Um... I and Henry were discussing if you and Princess Charlotte can marry." Said the King. "What? But father I already have a girlfriend and she is ready to marry me." Said the Prince. "Who is that girl?" Asked the King. "She is a commoner." Said the Prince. "You cannot marry her... No one in the Samar Empire's history has married a commoner..." Said the King. "But father, that was history and this is present. Many things have changed and... And I want to marry her... I know her more than Princess Charlotte. I am not saying that she is not good but I love some other girl... And I... I just can't marry Princess Charlotte." Said the Prince. "But why? She is a royal blood which that girl is not..." said the King. "She is also a royal blood, father." Said the Prince. "A royal blood? And she is a commoner?" Asked the King. "Her ancestors were from Azov Dynasty and my great great grandfather killed her great great grandfather." Said the Prince. "And she is ready to marry someone whose great great grandfather killed her great great grandfather? Don't try to make me a fool, Jake." Said the King. "I am not making you a fool, father... Her name is also Charlotte." Said the Prince. "Can I meet her?" Asked the King. "Ye-Yeah... of course..." said the Prince. "Jake, this is about your future... You're a Crown Prince, the future King. Take decisions wisely." Said the King "Tell her to meet us tonight. Invite her and her family for dinner." Said the King. "Yes father." Said the Prince.

                           "Princess Eugene..." said the King. "Father..." Said the Princess. "I want to talk to you." Said the King. "I know what you want to talk... You want me to marry Prince Thaddeus of Elixir. Father, we are cousins..." said Princess Eugene.

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