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"But we are cousins, father." Said Princess Eugene. "You're 5th cousins. You can marry, Eugene." Said the King. "We can marry, father. But what if this marriage doesn't go as it should?" Asked Princess Eugene. "It will go as it should go." Said the King. "How can you say this confidently?" Princess Eugene asked. "Because King Henry will take care of yourself as I take care of you. Queen Consort Gracey will take care of you as your mother take care of you." Said the King. "Okay, is Prince Thaddeus ready?" Asked Princess Eugene. "Are YOU ready?" Asked the King. Princess nodded Yes. "Good." The King said.

                  "Your Majesty, King Henry is on the line." Said the Valet. "Yeah." Said the King and took the call. "Hello?" The King asked. "Your Majesty, it's me... Henry." Said King Henry. "Yes Henry, say... What is it?" Asked the King. "Is the Crown Prince ready for marriage?" Asked King Henry. "Is Princess Charlotte ready?" Asked the King. "No, she is not... She is saying that she loves the son of a businessman." Said King Henry. "Same... Crown Prince Jake is also saying that he loves someone else." Said the King. "What about Princess Eugene?" Asked King Henry. "She is ready, is he ready?" Asked the King. "Yes, he is also ready." Said King Henry. "Oh that's... That's very very nice... Then when do we arrange the marriage?" Asked the King. "Maybe 3 or 4 years later?" Asked King Henry. "3 to 4 years later." Said the King. Princess Eugene nodded Yes and did a thumbs up. "Yeah, it's nice... 3 or 4 years is good." Said the King. "Congratulations, your Majesty." Said King Henry. "Congratulations to you too, Your Majesty." Said the King. "Goodbye, James." Said King Henry. "Goodbye, Henry." Said the King.
                "I will have to convince Jake... Not to marry that girl..." said the King. "But... Why? Why daddy?" Princess Eugene asked. "She is from Azov Dynasty. I can't let him marry her..." said the King. "No, no. Father please. Don't do this. Lest you lose another son." Said the Princess. "But I can't let him marry that... that Charlotte." Said the King. The vase outside the Princess' room falls. "Huh?" King said. When Princess went outside, she saw that Prince Jake was running from there. "Father! Jake listened to us." Princess said. "Oh no..." said the King. "Guards! Stop the Crown Prince!" King exclaimed. The guards stopped the Crown Prince.

                        "Jake, please try to understand." Said the King. "No father... I love her more than my life." Said the Prince. "You CANNOT marry her. And that's final." Said the King. "She and her family are coming tonight for dinner." Said the Prince. "Let them come. They will not go alive." The King said. "If you kill them, you will lose one more son." Prince said. The King went. "Aaaahhh!" The Prince screams.

"Father! Father! Brother Jake has again started taking drugs." Prince George said. "What? Why?" Asked the King. "Because of you, Father." Princess Eugene said. "Because of him?" Prince George asked. "Yes, he threatened him. That he will kill Charlotte and her family. Because they belong to Azov Dynasty." Princess said. "Why dad? With great difficulty I made him break his habit of taking drugs. He has started again because of you." Said Prince George. "Don't be like your father, James." Queen Consort Lilian said. "Don't ruin his life, King. You handled yourself, Jake will not be able to handle himself." Queen Diana said. "Yes, father. Please." Princess Eugene said. "I can't let this happen. You understand? And this is my last decision." Said the King. "Father, great great grandfather James was much better than you. He was ready to die for his son. But YOU are killing your own son, father." Prince George said and went from there. "True, great grandfather James was better than you, James." Queen Consort Lilian said and went. Queen Diana also went. "Think about it, father. And yes, don't kill Charlotte and her family tonight. And act like you are ready for the marriage." Princess Eugene said and went. (The King exhales deeply).


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