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The King and the other people went to Elixir Kingdom for the wedding.
"Welcome, King James." King George of Elixir said.
"Thank you, King George." King James said.
"We are already here, James." the late King said.
"Father, don't make him nervous. He is already scared." Prince Thaddeus said.
"King James? What happened?" Commander asked.
"Nothing... Just... Nothing... King George, where is the room?" King James asked.
"Yes. Hridoy, take the King to his room." King George said.
"Yes, my King." Hridoy said.
Hridoy is a valet of King George. Hridoy took King James to his room.
"Anything else, King James?" Hridoy asked.
"James, his intentions aren't good." Prince Thaddeus said.
"No, nothing else." King James said.
"Are you sure?" Hridoy asked.
"I said no. I don't want anything else." King James said.
"Okay, King." Hridoy said.
"Such a weirdo." King James said.
"I already told you, his intentions weren't good." Prince Thaddeus said.
"Okay okay..." King James said.
"Remember my words, James. Today is your wedding day." late Queen said.
"Yes, I know mother." King James said.
Suddenly the portrait in the room fell. King James got scared.
"What was that?" King James asked.
"King of Azov is angry." Prince Thaddeus said.
"He is also here?" King James asked.
"Yeah, he is also here." late King said.
(Door knocks)
"Yes?" King James asked.
"My King, it's the time of your marriage." Hridoy said.
"Coming. You can go." King said.
"Go, James." late Queen said.
"Hmm." King said.
(Marriage Hall)
"King James, do you accept Princess Beatrice as your legally married wife?" The high priest asked.
"Yes, I do." King said.
"Repeat after me. I, King James, accept you, Princess Beatrice as my legally married wife." The high priest said.
"I, King James, accept you, Princess Beatrice as my legally married wife." King James said.
"Now only death can separate us from each other." The high priest said.
"Now only death can separate us from each other." King James said.
"Now you, Princess Beatrice." The high priest said.
"I, Princess Beatrice, accept you, King James as my legally married husband and Now only death can separate us from each other." Princess Beatrice said.
King James nodded Yes.
Commander cut the King of Elixir's throat.
"Father!" Princess Beatrice exclaimed.
"I told him not to kill the King." late Queen said.
Thunder storm started to occur.
"What is happening?" King James asked.
The earth was vibrating so loudly.
"What is this happening?" Commander asked.
"I told you not to kill the King of Elixir." late Queen said.
"You are doing this?" King James asked.
"God himself is doing this." Prince Thaddeus said.
"What?" King James asked.
"Yes." Prince Thaddeus said.
"You will never change, James. You are a murderer and will remain a murderer." late King said.
"Please stop this!" King James exclaimed.
"It will not stop until you accept your murders." late Queen said.
"I am accepting all the murders I have done till the date... Please stop this!" King James exclaimed.
"Who is he taking to?" Commander asked.
"I don't know." Hridoy said.
"I accept that I killed my brother, father, mother, King and Prince of Azov and King of Elixir." King James said.
Everything suddenly stopped.
"What?" Princess Beatrice asked.
"Yes, I killed them all." King James said crying.
"We are still here. We will take you with us. Soon." late King said.
"Please go away!" King James exclaimed.
"What are you talking about, James?" Princess Beatrice asked.
"What?" King James asked.
When he opened his eyes, he saw that King of Elixir is alive and that was all the future prediction.
"What?" King James asked.
"What 'What'? What were you saying?" Princess Beatrice asked.
"How is he alive?" King James asked.
"It was all future prediction, James." Prince Thaddeus said.
"Who is still alive?" Princess Beatrice asked.
"No one... Nothing." King James said.
"You're now legally married couple." The high priest said.
"Congratulations, King James." King of Elixir said.
"Thank you, FATHER." King James said.
"Congratulations, my Princess." King of Elixir said.
"Thank you, Baba." Queen Beatrice said.
"Congratulations, my Queen Consort." King James said.
"Congratulations, my King." Queen Beatrice said.

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