Izuku Vs Shinso!

471 19 3

(Y/n)' P.O.V

Cementoss kneeled to the ground as cement was being spat out of a large black tube to form a stage where the students were going to fight.

"That's it. I'm pretty much done here."

"Thank you cementoss! Hey sports fans. Are ya ready?" The crowd goes wild making me feel the exc in the air.

"Let's start with our first match! This boy has a tendency of breaking all his bones due to his quirk but is super determined, it's Izuku Midoriya from Class 1-A!! And this guy looks like he hasn't slept in days from the general studies course, Hitoshi Shinso from Class 1-C!!"

They both walk out from oppos sides of the arena towards the cement made stage. The rest of the students were sitting in the stands made for them by class.

'Cha! Go Izuku! And Shinso!'

"Why are you cheering for them both? You don't even know the other guy." Akira stated. 'For support. I don't hate him or anything. Besides everyone is gonna be cheering for Izuku so I'll cheer for them both.'

"Whatever you say." She sighed.

"The rules are simple. Immobilise your opponent or force them outta the ring! You can also win by getting the other person to yell that they forfeit! Don't be afraid of injuries because our very own Recovery Girl is waiting on standby! So put your morals aside and don't be afraid to play dirty!"

Right, so Shinso's quirk is basically brainwashing them and controlling them if they answer his question. Izuku got this since I told him not to answer any questions!

"But of course no life threatening crap, folks. It is not allowed! Real hero's use their power to throw villains in jail, not kill them."

I notice Cementoss make a chair out of cement and sits down. "I'll stop anyone who tries to get too rough." He says.

"Ready?!" Mic yelled. I noticed the two boys having a conversation but I couldn't hear being so far.

'Izuku! Don't answer him!!'


They both stood still as shinso was talking to Izuku. What ever shinso said next caused Izuku to move forward with an angry face.

"Don't talk about her like that!!" He yelled but it was faint but I could still hear abit. Izuku then stopped moving completely.

I facepalmed. "You warned him." Akira growled out.

"Huh?! Hey,hey, what's the dealio?! The fight has just begun and Izuku Midoriya is...completely frozen? He is not moving a muscle! And what is that look on his face? Could this be a quirk at work? Hitoshi Shinso seems to have Izuku Midoriya completely stunned!" Mic announces.

"This is a perfect example of why the entrance exams isn't rational." Mr Aizawa says.

"Huh? Why is that?" Present Mic asks Mr Aizawa.

"Since we are onto the individual matches, I had some information compiled about our competitors. Shinso failed the practical exam to get into the hero course. Since he applied for general studies, he figured it would happen. His quirk is incredibly strong. But that entrance rear consisted of fighting faux villains, robots. It gave a huge advantage to those who had physical super power they could show off. Shinso never stood a chance at passing."

'Oh no! Izuku is walking out of bounds! He's obeying him!'

He was almost at the white line so I yelled out as loud as I could. "Come in Izuku!! You got this!! You can beat his quirk!!!"

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