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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

The fight with the Hero Killer was over and everyone injured was rushed to the nearest hospital. The four of us were in a hospital room. The plain white walls surrounded us while wearing a blue gown with bandages on some of us.

I had a bandage around my arm and a couple band aids where I got hurt. Since I could walk I tried to heal what ever I could on the boys.

"(Y/n)! I-It's alright! We're fine. Your chakra will be depleted." Izuku stuttered. "It's fine. I'm recovered already. My body heals faster than normal people." I say with a small smile before moving onto iida.

"Are you alright?" I asked him. "Yeah.." he replied shortly and I sighed sadly.

'I wish I could help his brother...but I can't make him walk again.'

"Your doing your best..just heal the stupid brats already!"

"Did you sleep, Midoriya?" Todoroki asks him and looked over at him.

"No, not really." Izuku informs, shrugging his shoulders lightly.

"I figured, me neither." Todoroki replies.

Izuku looks up at the ceiling. "Thinking about the fight now, we did something pretty amazing."

"Yeah, I agree."

"After everything that happened back there, it kinda felt like a miracle we're even alive. With my leg messed up. I was an easy target. He probably could've killed me if he really wanted to." Izuku looks at his arm which was securely wrapped in bandages.

"Seems to us he let us four live on purpose. I'm impressed by you though, iida. He was actually trying to murder you, but you stood tall." Todoroki compliments the boy.

"That's not true. I was-" Iida was cut off by the door being opened.

Two Pro hero's walked in the doorway as the older one stares at us.

"Oh, so the youngins are awake."

"Gran Torino!" Izuku exclaims, a bright smile on his face.


(Y/n) looked at the hero's and bowed her head abit.

"Idiot." Gran Torino says to Izuku. "I could yell at you for hours right now."

Izuku's expression became nervous quickly. "Yeah. I'm sorry..."

"But before I do. You've got a visitor." We looked over and saw a man walking in with a suit on. The suit was formal but the thing that caught my attention was that his head was that of a dog...

'What the heck?! Is his quirk related to a dog???'

"Looks like it. Quirks are so weird."

I sweat dropped.

"This is Hosu's chief of police. Tsuragamae Kenji." Gran Torino introduces the man to us.

We all stand up to greet the man but he stops us.

"No, please, stay seated, woof." The man- or well dog-man said when he saw Izuku trying to stand up.

'He said woof!! Omggg! He reminds me of Kakashi-sensei ninja hounds. Pakkun and the rest.'

"So, you're the UA student's that defeated the Hero Killer, huh?" He hums.

"We are. Why?" Todoroki narrows his eyes suspiciously.

"Stain has some serious injuries. Severe burns and several broken bones, not to mention stab wounds. Right now, he's in the hospital under strict guard, woof." The dog-man's face was strict as he explained the situation to us.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21 ⏰

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