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The next few matches was simple. I paid attention though. After my match was Kaminari VS Shiozaki. She had vines for hair and she used that to her advantage. She used her hair to act as insulators against Kaminari electricity quirk. Eventually she made Kaminari go out of bounds.

Next was Hatsume Mei VS Tenya Iida. It was funny how she used iida as a walking advertisement for her "babies" that she likes calling them. Her inventions were pretty amazing! Iida stood in the stage with a confused look on his face as Hatsume  walked out of bounds. I sweat dropped as she showed off her inventions for 10 minutes straight.

I noticed Uraraka wasn't besides me anymore and just her drink and I knew it was her match next against Bakugo. I wished I could have said something encouraging to her but I'll cheer for her.

The boys disappeared for a few minutes before coming back. I didn't question it.

"I hope Uraraka will be alright." Iida says and adjusts his glasses.

"Yeah she looked so sad earlier." Izuku says. "Don't worry. She's strong. She'll do her best. Even if she losses she proved that she deserves to be in the Hero Course." I let out a small sigh.

"The next battle of the first round match. Ochaco Uraraka from Class 1-A! And Katsuki Bakugo also from Class 1-A!" Present Mic yelled.

"Midoriya," iida speaks making Izuku and I look at him. "I'm curious. What was the strategy you came up with that would give Uraraka an advantage against Bakugo."

Earlier, Izuku and iida went to go see Uraraka before her match started.

"What? You gave her a strategy?" I question confused.

"It wasn't really much of a plan." Izuku stated as he pulled out a burnt and beaten up notebook. Inside I saw different quirks that Midoriya wrote about inside.

"Kacchan is so strong. When it comes to close combat he almost never has any openings. And the more he moves, the more he sweats, which just makes his quirk even more powerful."

I scoffed silently. 'Back in our training with All Might, he couldn't even dodge me. But then again their close combat moves are so much more different than Taijutsu, it's...similar.'

"You must remember, we are in a completely different world. Like were adapting to their world." I gasped as I was suddenly inside Akira's cage.

(So basically it looks like this just imagine Akira inside)

Through the cage, I could see Akira's white fur and her black eyes staring down at me. She had black markings on the side of her face. Her twelve tails tipped with blue fur swishing gently behind her. The reason why the seal wasn't broken yet was because I didn't completely trust her yet.

But now that the war is going on and ever since pein attacked the village a couple months ago I've learned to get along with her and use her chakra and powers.

(This is how Akira looks like. Credit to the owner. I just changed the name)

I walked a couple steps forward on the water and stood infront of the cage.

"I know that. I just thinking how long has it been since I've been gone. Like does the time run differently there? Has it been minutes? Hours? Days? Or even years?! Oh man please don't be true!!" I panicked and Akira sighed.

"I swear when we find that person who brought us here I'm gonna throw a tailed beast bomb at them." She seethed in anger making me laugh abit.

"Right. Not before I kill him first."

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