(Y/n) VS Tokoyami

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After the match, I rushed to recovery girls room along with some of my classmates.

I along with the others barged into the room and a very skinny man sat next to Midoriya, flinched.

"You scared the crap outta me..." The skinny blond man mutters as he holds a hand to his chest.

"Are you okay?!" Uraraka runs up to the side of his bed before turning towards the skinny man. "Oh. It's nice to meet you sir."

"Uh..yeah..." He replied nervously, stretching the back of his head.

"He's in no state for visitors!" Recovery Girl interrupts.

"Hey you guys, shouldn't you be watching the rest of the matches?" He asks the group as we turn to him. 

"The stage was far too damaged. Their taking a quick break to repair it." Iida explains, chopping his hand up and down.

"Luckily (Y/n) and cementoss created those walls. Otherwise we wouldn't be here right now." Uraraka says and patted my back.

"That match was the scariest thing I've seen in my entire life, Midoriya! What pro's gonna want a sidekick that hurts himself?" Mineta raises a finger towards Midoriya accusingly.

He suddenly gets hit on the head by asui's tounge. "Now your just rubbed salt into his wounds. Probably not a good time."

"Hey! I'm just speaking the truth!" Mineta says with a large frown.

"You're much too noisy. I know your worried, but I've got to work on surgery right now."  Recovery Girl starts to push the students out of the room.


"(Y/n) deary, can you help me with the surgery, please?" Recovery Girl asks and I nod.


"What?! (Y/n) is gonna perform surgery on Midoriya?!" Mineta yells out.

"Don't worry. I'm a properly trained in medical ninjutsu. So I know what I'm doing." I say to him as I wash my hands and put on some latex gloves.

Recovery Girl pushes them out and we get on to surgery. After the surgery which didn't take long, I healed Midoriya to the best I could and left him to rest before going to see the remaining matches before my own.

Iida and shiozaki's match went by fast. She was only able to attack once before iida ran and pushed her out of the ring.

Next it was Me Vs Tokoyami.

"Good luck tokoyami." He nods.

"Thanks. You too."

"Begin!!" Midnight shouted and dark shadow lunges at me. I jump out of the way and think of a plan. I make a clone and hide myself underground.

'I could use headhunter jutsu. Dark shadow needs the dark to become stronger so being out in the sun right now is making him weak... luckily I studied everyone's quirks before the sports festival.'

"Your mine now!" Dark shadow yelled as he attacked my clone and the clone proofed in a cloud of smoke.

"What?! Where did (Y/n) go?!"

Tokoyami kept his guard up and before long i traveled right under tokoyami.

"Earth Style: Head hunter jutsu!"

My hand reached out for tokoyami's leg and i dragged tokoyami down I to the ground leaving nothing but his head above ground and making him and dark shadow immobilized. 

"I believe I just won." I appear above ground. "W-what is this? I..I can't move."

"Tokoyami can you move?" Midnight asks as she walks up to us.

Hero Ninja (Bnha x Naruto Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ