Hero Killer Stain Pt2

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Normal P.O.V

"It's no use trying to pretend your a hero now. A person's true nature doesn't change in just a few minutes." Stain says with an unreadable expression on his face.

"You'll never be anything but a fraud who prioritizes his own desires, your the sickness that's infected society and ruined the name 'hero.' Someone must teach you a lesson." His face turns into a dangerous scowl.

"Your a fundamental lunatic." Todoroki frowns at the hero killer.

"Iida, don't listen to this murderer's nonsense." Todoroki tells iida.

"No, he's completely correct. I have no right to call myself a hero...at all. Even so... there's no way I can back down. If I give up now then the name 'Ingenium' will die!" Iida says as his eyes shine in determination.

"Pathetic." Stain darts forward, preparing his blades. Todoroki pushes iida behind him, sending a monstrous gust of fire towards him.

"No! The Hero Killer will ki-" The pro hero that was lying on the ground gets cut off by (Y/n) crouching down infront of him.

"I'm sorry sir but he wouldn't just let us leave at this point even if we wanted to. Also we did not just go through all that to just leave you here to die. I'll try to heal you." She shuts him up and closes her eyes.

'Akira..lend me some of your chakra to heal the pro hero.'

"Hmph. Fine. Only because your low on chakra." She growled out making (Y/n) chuckle.

'Whatever you say akira.'

She opened her eyes as she felt Akira's chakra flow into (Y/n)'s body. Her chakra was purple as it surrounded her body. (Y/n) placed her hands over wherever the pro hero was hurt as chakra flowed out of her hands.

She concentrated as she healed the wounds. The Pro Hero was kind of shocked but didn't say anything. After a few minutes of healing him to the best of her abilities, she joined Todoroki and iida in fighting stain.

"Hey Todoroki! Can you regulate temperature's?" Iida asked.

"Not well with my left, but, yes, I can." Todoroki confirmed with a nod of his head.

"You must freeze my leg for me, without plugging the exhaust!" Iida requests as Todoroki looks at him with his eyes wide abit.

"You're in the way." Stain throws a blade at Todoroki as iida jumps infront of him, the knife stabbing into his upper arm.

"Why won't you stay down?" Stain sends a larger knife towards iida. (Y/n) tried to get infront of iida to block the knife but she was too slow due to being tired.

The knife ends up stabbing his arm into the ground as he falls over.

"Iida-" Todoroki starts but gets cut off by iida.

"Just do it, hurry!" Iida pleaded with him.

Todoroki puts his hand by iida's engines, freezing everything but the top of his exhaust.

"It's done." Todoroki says before concentrating on his fire.

(Y/n)'s eye brows furrowed as she hesitated abit before going over to iida and gently removing the knives from iida's arms and concentrated Akira's chakra into her palms and hovered her palms over the wounds and a green glow emitted from her hands. Sweat trailed down her face as she concentrated.

"(Y/n)..your over exerting yourself." Akira said softly.

'I'm fine.' She said shortly.

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