★- help you -★

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YO YO YO <33



Minho's pov

As I stepped in the library I knew what's up for me.

Getting bombarded with questions obviously.

"What happened to your eye Minho!?"

"Why are there bruises littered on your body?"

"Are you ok!?"

I told them I was fine, even though I'm not.

Mona sighed, her eyes started to water a bit, "don't tell me...he did this to you?" I froze,  I can't lie to her, she'll know the Truth eventually.

I slowly nod, Zuki was shocked, "you don't deserve that" he slowly said.

"I know" I made a small smile, "Mona!" The doors burst open to find an angry Mowra.

She harshly grabbed Mona's wrist which caused her to whimper in pain, I slapped Mowra's arm to let go of Mona's wrist.

She yelped in pain and took her arm in hand, leading to Mona stumbling.

"What the fuck Minho? Can't you see I need her" she tried to get her, but I blocked her path.

"Atleats try and do it gently" I snapped at her, she scoffed "who are you to tell me what to do?"

She grabbed Mona's arm and dragged her out, I sighed and sat down, "aren't you going to?" I asked Zuki.

"Nope. I have many questions" he made a playful grin, I chuckled.

There was awkward silence before Zuki stood up, "is he like this to you?" His doe eyes felt sorrowful when he looked at me. No no no don't cry....

I looked down, fiddling with my fingers, "hey it's ok if you don't want to answer! I'm just y'know curious....."

I shook my head, "no I'm fine don't worry" I smiled.

"You said you loved someone else right? Felix?" Zuki asked, I numbly nodded my head.

"Well wanna meet with him?" He asked, my eyes lit up, "of course I do" I immediately replied.

He leaned in my ear, "I can help you escape, I know hidden pathways here"

Suddenly, there was hope in my heart, "we'll be going after dinner" I said.

"Yes ma'am" he saluted, I chuckled at him, his father then came to pick him up at the library, we waved goodbye at each other.

I softly sighed and I looked at the window beside me, "thank you Zuki..." I softly whispered.


"How dare you try and hurt her? She's just trying to get Mona" Jisung scolded me, I scoffed, "she could have done it carefully"

A slap went across my face, I clenched my fist to contain the anger inside of me.

I'll be leaving this place sooner....

They left, I sighed in relief, I'm leaving this place, I just wanted to fulfill the last wishes that I wanted to do.

I touched my cheek, I huffed and checked myself at the vanity.

"Pretty" I confidently say, I then fixed my hair and put perfume at the spots on my neck.

I walked out of the bedroom and went to the dining table where I saw Mowra and Mona across from Jisung.

I expect for me to be sitted at the middle of the table, but Jisung spoke, "Minho, seat next to me" his voice felt tired and stern.

I gently plopped down on my sit, I can see the anger in Mowra's eyes while the sorrow guilt in Mona's eyes.

I gave her a sad smile and went back to face Jisung, he looked uninterested with the whole dinner and just kept looking at his phone. Rude


After dinner, I immediately but not suspiciously fixed my hair, got on my simple black silk pants and white blouse.

I heard the door open, Jisung went to the vanity where I sat.

"Goodnight kitty" he kissed my forehead and went to sleep.

10:47 pm....

I exhaled, once I heard the soft snores pick up, I carefully went out of the bedroom.

I tip toed my way back to he library, I opened the door to find Zuki already waiting for me.

"Let's go!" He whispered scream, he grabbed my hand and took me at the library shelves that was stuck to the wall.

He then knocked on the wood of the shelves, the bookshelves opened, leading to a pathway.

"Go inside, it leads you to the front gate of the mansion" he informed me, I hugged him, "thank you Zuki, tell Mona I said Hi" he nodded

I stepped to the pathway, the hidden doors then shut closed, I carefully walked my way to the wooden pathway.

12 is the time where they close.

I still have time!

I still had to be really fast tho, I silently ran.

Then, leaves went flying to my face as I tripped myself.

I then looked at my surroundings. Omfg, I'm out. I'm finally out.

I took the chance and ran, I ran till I saw the Cafe.

I saw the Cafe light, I looked at my watch. 11:23 PM....

I got to the cafe doors, I pushed it open, I panted as I was out of breath.

I looked to see a shocked Felix, a squealing Jeongin and an amused Seungmin.

Suddenly, Felix hugged me, I hugged him back. Oh how long I've been craving this touch...

"Where were you?" He asked, his low and broad voice asked, I'm not dreaming!

"J-jisung h-he..." we pulled out of the hug, tears pricked my eyes, he kissed my forehead, "hey hey it's ok I know" he assured me.

"Please Felix I d-don't want to be th-there anymore" I stuttered.

"You'll never be there ok? I'm here, you're here" he hugged me again and kissed me. He kissed me.....

"Omg Minho!" Jeongin exclaimed and hugged me, I hugged him back.

"It's good to have you back" I heard Seungmin say, I chuckled.

"It's getting late so we should probably get you back home hmm?" Jeongin said, we laughed before getting back up.

I can't believe I could have him back again.....



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