•Chapter VI•

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VI. Deus Ex Machina, Ersatz Library, Disability

Deus Ex Machina

The next day. I never wanted my life to turn out like this. Caesar has entered in my life. His second name is a filthy lie. 'Caesar Declan Denouement', 'Declan' meaning 'full of goodness'. For the rest of the five years without him, I was happy. Childish for me to say but, Samuel used to play with me and with toys I have. Most importantly, he killed my mother and framed it on our loyal and kind servant. "The Queen of Knowledge and Ersatz." That is what the Lumiere citizens call her. My mother, Queen Nevada is known to be intelligent. The word 'Ersatz' on the other hand means imitation, or a substitute/replacement of something.

There has been a rumor going throughout the palace and has been currently being spoken by many citizens in the kingdom. What is that you may ask? Well, it is the Ersatz Library. That is the reason why her moniker has those words in it. The Ersatz Library is filled with her novels she has written but if you open a certain book, it will open to a secret passage and a room. It is there to hide something for unknown reasons. My father said that she was once a botanist before she became the queen and his wife. Servants except the Lumiere royals are restricted entering the Ersatz Library without her permission. But since she died, no servant is allowed, not even us anymore, my father do not accept their permissions.

I have never been their after the death of Queen Nevada. I have forgotten what it looks like. All I know that the library was filled with her stories and novels with all kinds of genres that she has been writing since she was five. She has titles A to Z cataloged in the shelves. My mother never let me enter in the secret room she has. I wonder what is in it.

"Wake up, sleeping beauty." I heard someone whisper into my ear. I open my eyes in shock because of the unexpected voice going through my ears.

"Good, you are awake. There seems to be a problem with Bane." Alexander said with unease running through his words. I looked at him with utter surprise as I sit up in haste.

"What happen to him?" I am scared. I do not know what happened to him.

"He seems to have hyperthermia. He is sweating real bad."

"Really?!" I said with an interrobang of disbelief.

"Now change your clothes, that was the dress you wore when you were at the party, correct? Now go change."

I realized that I was not myself last night. Who would have known? An underaged alcoholic startes drinking because her love of her life thought she lied.

I ran to my changing room. I used to have Stella giving me the clothes that I need. I wore my normal set of a floral dress. I love flowers, a dahlia was my mother's favorite. Despite her name means 'snowy'... She despise the winter.

I ran as my brother calmly walks.

"Why... Why do you run? I am wonderstrucked, my lovely sister." These words echo around Alexander's brain. Why is he thinking like this?

I enter Bane's room, seeing him laying down at his bed. Caesar, my father, and my father's private doctor were there as well.

"I apologize for my informal behavior. I might have slept too much. What did I miss? What is happening to Bane?"

"We took a sample of his blood, he tested positive for internal poisoning in his lungs and we noticed that his nerves will start to weaken. If not treated within three days, he will and will die. The medication is unknown."

"What do you mean the medication is unknown?!" I shouted as my brother arrived and Caesar drinking his wine.

"Arabella—" My father warned but I stopped him from continuing.

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