Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

Justin's POV

I had no idea how I'd let her convince me to dress like that. It was anything but appropriate. The whole outfit was hard for me to move in. I felt completely weird. But when Jenna got something in her head, she couldn't be told no, and there was a little part of me deep down that wanted to see how Cole would react. All day, he'd acted like he really was my friend — he'd kept his hands off me, and weird as it seems, I didn't like it.

I understood his expression of distaste when we met in front of the elevators. He looked me up and down. For a second, I thought he actually didn't like what he saw.

"Is something up?" I asked, disappointed. That wasn't the reaction I'd expected.

"Are comfortable wearing that?" he asked with a strange glimmer in his eye.

"I'm fine," I said, and got into the elevator as soon as the doors slid open. Next to me, Jenna was wearing black hot pants and a pink top.

She was showing so much flesh, and Logan to love it.

The boys walked behind us. When we reached the restaurant, I couldn't believe the décor and ambience. It was at an elegant spot right next to the pool. It was a privilege to be able to enjoy that place with Cole and our friends. I guessed that was how it was when your mother married a millionaire.

We were seated at a nice table next to a trail leading through the gardens. The views were spectacular. Our plates were served quickly, and the food was exquisite and the conversation was entertaining.

My phone buzzed, interrupting us. I kept getting calls from an unknown number with someone listening to me silently on the other line.

"Hello?" I said automatically, and a familiar voice responded. It was one of the guys I'd played volleyball with on the beach. Jess, I think his name was. He told me the name of the club and said we should go there as soon as dinner was over.

I communicated his message to Jenna, and she started hopping up and down while Cole gave me a weird look. What the hell was up with him?

I sent him a text. It was ridiculous, but if I didn't put him in check, he'd ruin our night.

What the hell's up with you? You've been giving me nasty looks since I came out ot my room.

It was funny to see his eyes when his phone buzzed and he read my text. He looked back at me as my own phone vibrated.

I think I like it better when you pick your outfits. You shouldn't wear something you're not comfortable in.

How did he know Jenna had picked my outfit?
Was it so obvious how ridiculous I felt? Jenna was so hot. I must have looked like a stupid toy next to her.

I could have teared up. I'd wanted to make Cole's jaw drop, and I'd gotten the opposite effect.

I put my phone aside, deciding I wouldn't answer anymore. I'd never been a guy who dressed up much, but I'd also never really cared what anyone else thought of me. Doing that for Cole, and in vain, made me feel stupid.

My phone buzzed again, noisier than before against the surface of the table.

I felt a tingle when I saw the message.

You look handsome, Justin.

Our eyes met, and I felt the heat inside me. If he was being serious, he sure had a weird way of showing it.

I was angry with myself for letting those four little words have that effect on me. I shouldn't have done all that for him. I should have just worn what I had been planning to wear.

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