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Snow- David you'll never find me
Emma- what r u talking about
Snow- woops meant to make this private
Emma- that does not answer my question
Snow- me and David r playing hide and seek with Henry
Regina- you're playing hide and seek instead of watching my son
Snow- I'm watching him just not in the same room

Henry- mom I'm fine
Charming- God Henry where r u
Henry- you'll never find me
Snow- did I just hear the toilet flush
Charming- to the toilet
*1 min layer*
Charming-Snow need you help
Snow- y?

Henry- bc I was taking a potty break and I was getting of the potty and David five to catch me and he missed and now his hand is stuck in the toilet
Emma- OMG that's hilarious😂
Regina- it is pretty funny
Charming- snow help
Snow- not now charming I'm trying to win a game

Emma- can I play
Snow- sure
Regina- and me too
Snow- sure
Ruby, belle, rumple, Robin, hook,Zelena,Cora,will,Roland, Neal,and - and us?
Snow- sure and how long have yall been here
All- long enough

Snow- ok come on over
*all go over to snow apartment*
Snow- ok let the ultimate hide and seek game begin
*everyone has logged off but Charming*
Charming- help

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