Taco Emoji

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Regina- what the crap?

Emma- it's taco emoji for look I updated my iPhone and not I have taco emojis🌮🌮


David- let me guess that's taco emoji for I love rum tacos?

Mary Margret- DUH 🍺🌮🍺🌮🍺🌮

Henry- Grandma u tried a rum taco?

Mary Margret- I thought I was a regular taco at first but it's sooooooooo good🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮

Belle- I want taco emoji😭😭😭😭😭😭

Gold- 🌮🌮🌮🌮ha

Belle- anyone else not have it?

Zelena- I don't I hate tacos

Robin- u hate everything and everyone

Zelena- yes so very true but my list of most hated things goes
2.) Tacos
1.) REGINA😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡

Regina- I feel so special I beat out tacos😜

Zelena- I hate u!

Emma- we know😒

Hook- 🍺🌮🍺🌮🍺🌮🍺🌮🍺🌮🍺🌮🍺🌮🍺🌮🍺🌮😭😭😭

Regina- and that means 😒

Emma- rum taco for he had to pee but I'm on the toilet so he will have to wait
*inserts evil laugh*😈😈😈😈

David- speaking of got my hand stuck in the toilet again😭😭

*all have logged off but charming and hook*


Hook- what does that mean?

David- help

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2016 ⏰

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