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Author: ok hook read these!😈

Hook: y should I?!?

Author: I'll write u into oblivion 😈

Hook: u won't do that!!!!

Author: and y not?!?

Hook: u find me attractive😂

Author: 1.) who doesn't
2.) your right I won't do that

Hook; thought so love💓

Author: I'll get you a pointy hat!👒🎩

Hook: DEAL!!!!!


Emma: y R u doing this?!? And I'll go follow but again I ask why

Hook: she promised me a pointy hat!!!

Zelena: here we go again with that hat😒

Rumple: I'll follow whatever u do oh amazing author🙌

Author: thank u rumple u may now come out of oblivion

Belle: Yay Lexi misses her daddy😍 and I'll follow

Ruby,Snow,Regina,Robin..ect: we will too

Author: great but where is charming's?!?

Snow: where do u think😂

Author: head or hand in the potty?!?🌀

Henry: both😂

Regina: how do u know😳

Henry: I'm taking pics now
*send pics*

Emma: leggo watch🌀😂

*all except charming and hook have logged off*

David: I'm drowning😭😭😭😭

Hook: OK GO FOLLOW @Clique_Goal now so I can get my pointy hat

Author: no hat until I get 12 new followers😈😂

*author has left to go check other account*


A/m: so go follow my new account @Clique_Goals or Hook will never get his pointy hat😂😈

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