That akward moment when....

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Emma: your the same age as your parents😒

David: when u r always having to find someone😂

Snow- when your husband keeps getting his hand stuck in the potty😂

Robin- a crazy jealous women pretends to be your wife and is now bearing your child😬

Regina- when u keep loosing the ones u love

Zelena- when u turn green bc your sister had the life U always wanted

Emma- u steal an already stolen car

Mulan- your in love with your best friends boyfriend

Emma- u pretend to be pregger then end up getting pregger in real life

Snow- u keep loosing your kid

Emma- u have a kid in prison

Hook- u r dating someone that is married

Neal- u find out your fiancé is working for your evil and crazy grandfather that u never knew u had😒

Henry- when u don't know what's going on

Emma- your kid is annoying jk
But for real though



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