Bird Pancakes

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(Ok so I know hook pro know what pancakes are by now but let's pretend he does not) oh and trueoutlawqueenlove1 the last part of your request will be up after this one just wanted to do something in between and Original_Oncer your will be up after her's enjoy)

Hook-luv what's a pancake?

Emma- hook it's something u eat just eat it😂

Hook- well Ruby is trying to feed them to me like a bird and I think she is drunk and it's creeping me out and help

Ruby- it's true I am🍻

Emma- Ruby get away from my man and I will be there in a sec

Ruby- no let me feed u like I bird hooky🍻🐣

Hook- no i only like Emma and rum tacos😡

Ruby- no be a baby bird now

Hook- no go away crazy 😡

Ruby- bird now

Hook- no and your scaring me😭

Emma- get away from my man sister😡😈

Ruby- *grabs hook's face* no my bird

Emma- *grabs other side of his face* no he's my fiancé

Ruby- *pulls*

Emma- *pulls* mine😡😡😡

Hook- I jus wanna go home😭😭

Ruby- not until u be a baby bird and let me feed u🐣🐣🐣

Hook- Emma save me😭😭😭 I don't wanna be a baby bird

Emma- yes I agree as cute as u would be as a bird I will not allow u to spit food into his mouth

Ruby- but I need a baby bird🐣🐣🐣

Zelena- I'll do it if u will all shut up

Snow- yeah u made this a general chat

All: yeah

Henry; it's annoying

Ruby: *baby voice*ok come here Z be the baby bird be the baby bird🐣

Zelena- 😒 *gets food spit into her mouth*

Zelena- eqwwwwwwwww *runs away*

Hook- I just wanna go home😭

Emma- oh come on u big baby lets go home

Hook- yay wee can have run tacos 🍺


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