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*private chat between hook and emma*

Hook: Emma I want a pointy hat🎩😭

Emma: hook I know but I can't just make the author give u one😂

Hook: u r the savior😳

Emma: yeah but she could write me into oblivion and plus the baby needs its mother💓

Hook: yeah when r we gonna tell everyone her name😏

Emma: idk and R u hungry?

Hook: I'm always hungry 🍪

Emma: what's with the cookie😳

Hook: idk y?

Emma: idk  I just thought u liked rum

Hook: Bloody Hell now I can't blindly like cookies🍪🍪🍪🍪

Emma: I never said

Hook: yesterday o was munching my bloody rum taco to loud and now I can't freaking like cookies?!?😡

Emma: no hook u can like cookies I was just saying that-

Hook; I'm my own man and I'll freaking eat a cookie if I want to!!!!

Emma: ok than

Hook: FINE!


Hook:im going to go eat some bloody cookies and rum tacos and u know what?

Emma:😳 what

Hook: u r not invited 😡😈*slams door  leaves*

Emma: CRAP!!!!!! *yells this aloud*
*Baby cries*

Emma: Double Crap😒

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