Baby Club 8/TINK❤️

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*emma has started a private chat with snow,Zelena,and Belle*

Zelena- tell your freaking husband to stay away from my hat😈

Emma: r we feisty today?😂

Snow: someone's a grumpy baby👶

Belle: some needs their diaper changed😂😂😂

Zelena: back off baby belle or I'll make the other wrote you into oblivion😈😡

Belle: wow you really do need a diaper change😂


Emma: ok ok simmer down😒

Snow: onto important matters I think you should invite Tinker Bell into the club❤️💖💖

Zelena: I do like her better than REGGIE and pudding does make me happier💞

Belle: she's also due in like 1 week and has no idea who the father is😭

Emma: #could #use #some #support

Belle: that's my thing😂

Emma: #stole #it 😂

Snow: ok so it's settled next meeting we invite a new member

Emma: ok but the author says the club is to full and says that with any other women and Storeybrook have another baby they're not allowed to join!

Belle: the author did not say that😂

Emma: I know but it's to crowded💞

Snow:we are not even in the same building Emma💘

Zelena:I don't care who let the club as long as you're not Reggie😡

Snow: ok ok fine tink next meeting we will discuss the rest later💓

Emma: just a question not trying to be rude but who died and made you the "captain" of this "team"?

Snow: I did😜

E,B,Z: 😒😒😒😒😒

Snow: ok bye guys

Zelena: WAIT!!!!!

S,B,E: WHAT?!?

Zelena: tell tink to bring pudding😈

Snow: y?

Zelena: bc I like it and I said so 💘

All(except Zelena): whatever

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