Weirdest Food Cravings

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Henry- all you PREGGER or once pregger ladies what's been your weirdest food craving

Belle- it's a toss up between Horse relish covered in chocolate or peanut butter on top of barbecue chips

Rumple- yeah dearie the relish was the worst your breath smelt like butt

Belle- RUMPLE!!!!

Rumple- Sorry dearie but it did


Zelena- um prob deer meat covered in Carmel sauce

Robin- did she mention she likes it raw

Regina- gross

Robin- don't worry sweetie when I get you pregger I'll make sure you have whatever nasty pregger food you want

Regina- you are so sweet

Snow- for me it was strawberry jam stright from the jar with hazel nut coffee to fink that's letter ally all I eat when I pregger

Charming- she's eating it now

Snow-CHARMING they dont need to know everything

Hook- we all know what Emma likes🍫🍪

Emma- Yep peanut butter and jelly cheese burgers but the jelly had to be grape mostly bc Snow eat so much strawberry jelly makes me sick. Then I drink a pickle shake. And then I eat skittles covered in mustard

Henry- yall r gonna make me throw up

Zelena- Yep we r nasty

Regina- u got that right



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