Drunk covo

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*regina has started a general chat*
Snow- psssst David lets go make tacos in the dumpster
Charming-ok babe😏
* snow and Charming have logged off*
Hook- when I say rum u say tacos
Ruby-those sound good
Emma-they r
Regina and Robin- shots shots shots shots shots shots

Zelena- Robin I'm in the dumpster come save me
Robin- no I need shots
Roland- whats a shot
Regina- something u will love❤️
Roland- ok
R,R,R-shots shots shots shots shots

Belle- will I need to tell you a secret
Will- ok but after we have tacos
Belle- I can't have tacos I'm 2 weeks pregger
Will- then y r u drinking
Belle- good point
*belle and will have logged off*

Rumple- well at the villains table we r having pic
Cora- rum pie
R,R,R-shots shots shots shots shots
R,R,R-shots shots shots shots shots

Hook- that rum pie would go great with our rum tacos
Emma- we should switch recipes
Zelena- I'm dumpster drinking dumpster drinking
R,R,R-shots shots shots shots shots
R,R,R-shots shots shots shots shots

Ruby- guys I just turned into a wolf I need more booze
Emma- here u go doggy such a cute doggy *picks ruby up*
Henry- whats going on I'm home trying to sleep and I hear screaming and yelling from all across down

Zelena-*whispers* he hears our dumpster drinking must abort mission
Emma- this is all a dream go back to sleep
Henry- ok
*henry has logged off*
Robin- now who wants shots?
All- we do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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