How do u feel

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*Hook has requested a private chat with Emma.*
*Emma has excepted*

Emma- I want u to say it

Hook- say what luv

Emma- never mind

Hook- what is it love

Emma- it's just maybe if I hear u say it I'll know what my feelings r and I can figure mine out as well

Hook- what is it u want me to say

Emma- it's not what I want u to say it's what I want u to feel

Hook- and how do u want me to feel

Emma- I don't know

Emma- never mind this was dumb I don't even now if we r thinking the same thing

Hook-is it I Love You? because I've loved you for a long time Swan. i've loved you since the moment I met you you're the most beautiful person I've ever met in my entire life and I want to spend the rest my life with you and I didn't know if you would ever let me say it or even if you feel the same way but I love you . I love you more than anything in the entire world
You are the best and most amazing thing that is ever happened to me. If I'm not with you nothing makes since because I love you and only you and I hope you feel the same way!

Emma- um ok that's super sweet and all but I just wanted to know if tonight when i come over to watch our movie if u wanted me to bring chicken or burgers

Hook- oh um burgers r fine


Hook- yeah.....

Emma- so I'm gonna go

Hook- ok

Emma- bye

Hook- bye

Emma-oh and hook

Hook- yes Swan?

Emma- I LOVE U TOO!💞
*Emma has left the chat*


A/N:just because I love CaptionSwan and I want to do something a little more romantic💖

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