2. Baker to Bride.

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At that, Felix doubled over, his breath hitching for air as his hands flew to hold his stomach. He faltered, then, and the next thing you know he was slowly sinking to the ground where he stood. That blow, or whatever it fucking was, felt like being hit by an expert soldier and he hadn't been hit like that by anyone in years. (At most he expected to receive a slap from her, but this? This?) He was bewildered, especially because it came from Rachel, who was normally so reserved, kind, and gentle—a thirteen-year-old girl who never had any training in the sorts; who has never been violent or easy to lose her temper, much less at her brother. All he's saying is she rarely got angry, but now, he's not so sure.

This was a first, and it's understandable why she did it, however, she didn't even give him the chance to justify it. After punching him she cried harder, seemingly, almost as if she was the one that got hit in the stomach instead; who was crumbled on the ground, curled inward, and gasping as the air just got knocked out of them. (That was exactly Felix.)

"Oh my God!" Olivia gasped, her voice shaking slightly with panic. "Why did you do that!" She screamed at Rachel, her mouth wide open and her eyes wide. She dropped to his side instantly and grabbed his wrists, pulling his hands away from his abdomen to inspect the damage Rachel had inflicted, which was nothing physically external but internal. "Yeah, why did you—shit..." A sharp intake of breath sounded out from Felix. He coughed once, twice, and tried to bring more air in but it only hurt. "Why did you do that, Rachel?" He managed after a moment, then— "How could you do that to your lovely brother??"

"You're anything but lovely, Bok." She scoffed, looking down at him with her fists balled at her sides. From there, he could practically see her shoulders shaking with the anger constantly building up inside her. "You're an imbecile, a fool who doesn't even know the consequences of his actions!"

"Rachel..." Felix trailed off, sitting up slowly. When Olivia tried to help him up further, Rachel snapped.

"Don't help him. Let him get up on his own." She said venomously, almost a threat.

Olivia pursed her lips, looking between her and Felix. "But sis..." She murmured.

"Sis what? He'll be fine on his own. Won't you, Yong-Bok? If you can't even get up yourself, how do you have the courage to put yourself in our situations? How will you handle being sacrificed?" She narrowed her eyes at him and he furrowed his eyebrows at her, his lips curving downwards with displeasure. There's silence for a moment, a deafening silence that only grows heavier with the lack of response, and Felix, despite his best efforts, can't hold back the pique that fills his veins. He pushes at his cheek with his tongue, suddenly feeling an irk of irritation rise up within him and grow.

"What choice did I have?" He finally speaks. "The lord was going to take you both, and you know I can't...I can't lose anyone else by him."

"You're being unreasonable."

"I'm being unreasonable??? Did you want to be married to some sleazy old man or God? Pedophiles that would take advantage of you both?"

"We don't even know if the God is a pedophile though, so—"

"That doesn't matter, Rachel." Felix snaps, standing up. "Even if they weren't pedos you still don't know them well—or if there even is a god that actually takes offerings instead of the village higher-ups stealing them in a big scheme. You're only thirteen! And you're considering it?? What do you think goes on after the marriage ceremony? Those bastards will—" Felix stops himself. All of a sudden something important comes to him.

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