11. Cupid Hit me With Precision.

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//If you guys are confused about what a "domain" is in this fic, think of a kingdom or select area that is enclosed/cut off from the rest of the world by a magical barrier/forcefield.


The disappointed, concerned call of his name has him shrinking within himself further. He plays with his fingers, opting to look at his nails and how sharp they've grown again—he'll have to cut them down later today. Or perhaps tomorrow. Soon, however, he feels Chang-bin's hand wrapping around his wrist lightly to gain his focus, pulling his hand away. "Hyun-Jin, it's a simple question." He says, then more softly, "I'm not mad at you, no one will be, though I'm not sure about Felix."

Hyun-Jin can tell he's trying to be reassuring, and for the most part, he is - yet the fact Felix may get mad instead makes his stomach twist uncomfortably. What he did was give him his "Essence", a part of him that holds energy and life itself. There's not necessarily an issue with it being given out, as rare as it is for him to do so, but giving such a powerful item to someone who isn't a demon, let alone a mere human, is a risky move at best - if not downright dangerous. If he gives him too much Felix will become a demon that's bonded to him eternally, or go through some type of change that will make him less mortal...and more immortal. But—

"I only gave him a small amount, and that he needed." Hyun-Jin tries to reason. "He won't...he won't become immortal, you know. At least—not if he doesn't wish to. I simply used it for protection, otherwise he would've been consumed whole by Nikki's curse. I won't do it again, but it's the only thing I could think of to relieve him of pain fast."

"Is there an exact estimate?"

"Not quite, but far less than half—as you can see he isn't reacting poorly to it."

"Alright, and did you tell him beforehand?"

"I didn't get to," Hyun-Jin admits, as it completely slipped his mind when he had the chance to do so. "It was a dire situation, so I didn't think much before giving it to him."

"Okay, that's understandable," Chang-bin nods slowly. "And you know that even that small amount will build up if you give him more?"

"Of course. I won't do it again...unless needed. It won't be anytime soon, however, since I have a proper reason to go after Nikki now. I took a look at his arm earlier and the mark shrunk again, and seemingly as he hasn't come to collect Felix yet for his own I'm assuming he put some type of time curse on him—where Felix will be compelled to return with him at some point. I just don't know when, so it's best to see him now."

Chang-bin scoffs at that. "Of course. The ceremony is in three weeks and that bastard knew what he was doing." He murmurs. "But don't you need to inform the elders beforehand? violence will only worsen things."

"Consult them? Worsen things? It's already bad enough, and those in favor of Nikki were the ones who allowed this to happen, and now they're probably watching this all go down with speculation as to what I'll do. I have evidence and a witness to how he's crossed me this time, so they can't restrict me from doing so. There's no consulting in this matter. If I have to get rid of a lower rank in the family, I will. What good is it to leave him alive with a slap on the wrist when he'll only hurt the one I love more? That mark he placed on him won't disappear until he's dead."

Chang-bin opens his mouth to retort, then closes it immediately after. Instead, he sighs, rubbing his forehead tiredly, "Is that truly what you wish to do?"

"Must I clarify more?" Hyun-Jin raises an eyebrow.

"No, no. I understand, I was just making sure. Shall I send a notice of your arrival beforehand? Or...will you go unannounced like he had here?"

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