6. My World That is Yours.

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//A soft, normal chapter. Slightly suggestive themes here.

Instead Hyun-Jin, as far as Felix can tell, is just the opposite of everything he's thought so far.  Sure, he sometimes has a certain expression on his face that makes Felix shudder a tad - has those coy words, and ghostly touches that make him heat up with shame at times, but his behavior and consideration tell another story. For example, the way he looks at Felix; all soft, sweet, and gentle - and the fact that he never, at most, shows any signs of hostility toward him with the urge to kill or discard him. He treats him more special than anyone Felix has known and actually considers his feelings.

That all and more makes him feel...good, happy, and comfortable in a way that he hasn't been since he's been ripped away from his siblings and forced into adapting to a new area. And it's a relief, honestly, since, well...he also isn't dead yet. Now, that fact alone is a huge bonus right now.

Not to mention, he knows it would probably take a while until he becomes fully accepted here by everyone, but Felix thinks, even with all this information flooding his brain at one time, that he really appreciates how patient everyone is with him despite the small mishaps of information.

Soon enough, Chan calls an end to the morning meal and they all begin clearing the table. They each take on a task of sorts; wiping, collecting silverware, packing up the leftovers, etc - which surprisingly leads to Felix sitting alone awkwardly at the table. Being the person he is, he of course asked to help with something, anything - even offered to rid the waste basket - but they kindly declined, saying that they could take care of it themselves, that they didn't want to dirty his hands - and even, that Hyun-Jin may kill them if they had his bride do something so trivial.

He was sure they were joking about that last part, at least he hoped, but even so, it was clear they didn't need extra help with six of them. Therefore, he decided to just stay where he was, making sure not to bother anyone, and try to sum up everything about these demons while he waited. (He was definitely not thinking about how his help got rejected when he's quite good at chores actually - or how he's practically useless to them, too, as he picked at his nails and bounced his leg out of pure boredom. Yeah...)

Thankfully for him though, he didn't have to wait long. As soon as Min-ho finished his tasks, he came over to him and motioned for him to stand. Felix stood and followed him out the door where they entered, and once again they were in the long hallway before. "What did you think of breakfast? Was it to your liking?" He began speaking as they walked, his two tails swishing behind him in a feline-like manner. Felix couldn't help but stare at the graceful motions, he reminded him of the cats he saw roaming about in the village, the ones that look nice from a distance but turn out to be spicy as soon as you reach out for them. 

"It thought it was really good. Thank you," Felix agreed politely and he saw a smile form on Min-ho's lips.

"I'm glad, and I agree because it's food from Seung-min, after all. He's the one who cooks for us all the majority of the time. Earlier he was worried you wouldn't like it, but now I'm sure he'll be relieved. There will be more food to come during dinner, and if you have any particular dishes you like don't be afraid to tell him so he can make them for you. Also, if you ever get hungry and it's not one of the specified times throughout the day—you may go to the kitchen or call up a servant to assist you,"

"Right...thank you again." Felix nods slowly at that. He feels almost weird with the concept of having a servant - someone to follow his orders and do his bidding - like lord Doonshik's guards, for example, and that similarity makes him feel uncomfortable at the very idea. Nonetheless, he isn't like the village lord - he's kind, and he's grateful, and if he absolutely has to get one of the servants he'll treat them well and make sure the work they're given isn't hard.

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