10. Essence of Mind.

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╰('︶')╯ added another chapter...

That night, Hyun-Jin finds out two things from Chan. For one, the domain's barrier had gone down for a certain time out of the day and no one was in the building then. Secondly, after the barrier had gone down another unidentifiable one was put up, and if Felix had called him during that time he wouldn't have sensed him or anything around. The servants outside the mansion, however, noticed nothing and were working on their normal schedule. Inside, there was a disruption and all of the servants except Keowoo had abandoned their post - fleeing, Chan would say based on their reports, and that was unusual enough. Especially when they've never done so. He was able to get information out of one of them, a demon in the form of a raven that had been perched on top of a tree in the garden before it all happened; before everything became so...tainted.

All of that said, the raven, supposedly named Jun-ni, who has watched over the domain since the beginning of time, explained just what he expected to hear. "The day was normal, sunny, and perfect like always. That human was out and about with the other ones, and Ms. Keowoo was accompanying them. They were in the garden making crowns out of flowers, nothing more. As soon as Ms. Keowoo left everything and became surrounded by toxic fog. There was some type of shrill scream—and then the next thing I saw was your human going out in her direction. The fog increased, there was a small explosion, and everything quieted down to mere silence until I heard that man's awfully peculiar voice through the fog. You know, don't you? Because who else would intrude on the highest domain besides Nikki?"

"And what has he said to him?"

"If I can recall before I left the area to find help, he called him special, valuable, and a fairy that he has better use for than you, master."

The simple mention of those words made this little situation that much more vast and clear, as well as giving him a proper reason to tear the other Gumiho apart on sight the next time they meet. It's obvious he planned to get under his skin and to leave a trace behind purposely would mean he does want something of his. Not to mention, it all goes to show that the elders have been too lenient with him, not watching his actions as much as they criticize Hyun-Jins for every little thing he does. Nikki is a dog without a leash. Hyun-Jin is a bird stuck in a large cage, meaning he's "free" to do as he wishes but not entirely. Though, this time, he has a feeling it will be different.

Getting back to the room and seeing Felix lying in the bed, the first thing he notes is that he's already gotten ready for the night as he's dressed in silky nightclothes and settled into the blankets. The second thing he notes is he's awake, surely, with the night lamp on and facing the opposite way of the door. He plays with his fingers to keep himself busy, and Hyun-Jin doesn't hesitate to delude himself into believing he stayed up for him, even if the real reason is that he may have been unable to get any rest yet.

"My love," Hyun-Jin makes his presence known by calling out the human's name after a moment, and Felix turns to glance over at the Gumiho. He stares at him for a moment, and Hyun-Jin can tell he's contemplating whether or not he should answer him when he angered him hours ago, his eyes narrowing. Hyun-Jin gives him a small, assuring smile. "How are you doing?"

"Alright..." Felix chooses to reply, thankfully. His voice is tired and hoarse, and it shows he hasn't talked much to anyone after leaving earlier. He wants to say more to him, by the pinch of his eyebrows and the frown on his heart-shaped lips, but he doesn't give any further indication of doing so.

Hyun-Jin leaves it up to himself then, and steps into the room further, stopping just near the bed. "I'm sorry," He apologizes once more, and he'll do it however many times to gain his favor again. "Does your arm still hurt?"

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