4. A little more about you, my bride.

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When Felix wakes up the next morning, he doesn't expect Hyun-Jin to be there, or more so he doesn't remember last night and yesterday that's had so many events in under twenty-four hours. That said, he startles when he opens his eyes, all scared and shocked until it comes back to him in a fast-forwarded recap. The Gumiho is still sleeping peacefully, it seems, snuggled between Felix's arms and legs. His face is nuzzled against Felix's collarbone, all squished and puffy and his chest heaves slowly from each soft puff of air leaving his lips.

Felix can't resist the small smile forming on his lips upon seeing him, finding the moment oddly pleasing and cute, even, but as soon as that thought crosses his mind, he shoves it away and buries it deep down, down, down where it can be locked away safely in some kind of storage until it becomes nothing more than a foreign memory, a forbidden one at that. He's not supposed to find a man cute, yet alone a beast, but last night - what about that? When he was drugged, and needy, and unable to help himself without the Gumiho, where he touched—

Recalling it, Felix takes a shuddery, shaky inhale. It doesn't come out as steady as he wishes it would, which is alright; It's okay - and he closes his eyes, carefully bringing his arms from Hyun-Jin to his face to conceal the reddening hue gathering there and almost everywhere on his ears too. The feeling of Hyun-Jin's warm breath hitting his neck doesn't help him 'conceal' much either, as it only worsens that flush and has Felix's heart beating erratically from a certain memory, fluttering in a way that's unfamiliar to him for the first time because sure - his heart beats quickly when he runs from the guards, overworks himself, and feels sickly anxious with worry - though this is completely for a different reason. (A forbidden one too, he knows.)

Felix bites down hard on his bottom lip to muffle a small whine that threatens to leave his mouth. He's just embarrassed, that's all. Just embarrassed about what happened and his stupid feelings and stupid desires, and even more so, of how vulnerable he was then - to a man, again. Would he get in trouble for remembering such indecent thoughts? For even doing such? Amidst his little struggle, realization takes hold of him fast of the exact situation he's in, what's far more important - why he's here.

After a moment he uncovers himself and glances down at the Gumiho once again, taking in the inhuman ears and tails - tail, now, seemingly as the others disappeared during the night to who knows where. That's another thing that leaves him curious, tentative, and it distracts his worries slightly as he finds himself reaching toward Hyun-Jin's fox ears that twitch every so often. He gently traces over one with his fingertips, the ghost of a touch, feeling surprisingly soft fur and padding that he wouldn't have expected.

It makes him wonder if his tail's the same, but that's something he'll find out later maybe, not now, because he fears anymore could wake the other up. And speaking of that, if he could get up from this position and the bed, that'd be nice. Really nice. He won't escape when he does, of course, since he doesn't even have a chance like he's learned earlier. Instead, he'll just get up and walk around, yeah? It's nothing but a start, to explore his captivity zone and the area around him, but—

But Hyun-Jin stirs the moment he pushes himself back trying to move away from his weight, and he ends up trapped further, pulled back into position. Then, a low sound of displeasure is heard before he feels the Gumiho pick his head up from Felix's collarbone, sitting up. "What is it?" He rasps, looking the human in the eyes who's blinking at him with a body of tense nerves. As Hyun-Jin speaks, his voice comes out rough from sleep, but nonetheless, it's good - and alluring, honestly, which isn't helping Felix's case. It makes his stomach churn in two ways; containing fear and something he doesn't acknowledge - because what?     

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