7. Susceptible to Ruin

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"This is her, correct? She walked in and tried to scream."

Hyun-Jin's voice was light as he said that, his demeanor calm and unbothered - in contrast to Rachel who was completely terrified and distressed, struggling fruitlessly in his hold. Her eyes were as wide as an owl's, flickering between Felix and the Gumiho, displaying clear confusion and fear. She didn't understand what was going on. How was her brother here? Alive? Unscathed? And why is there a demon in their home? She didn't know.

"Yes," Felix replies, standing up from where he sat on Olivia's bed. "That's her, certainly." He's surprised somewhat, having never seen her walk in nor open the door - but then again, she's always been popping up out of nowhere and scaring Felix all throughout their life. She's practically a ghost with her light footsteps.

Rachel's limbs flail harder then, if possible, and she begins kicking and squirming everywhere and anywhere, trying to wiggle out. There's a small muffled yell of "Let go of me you monster!", and a few curses - that Felix has definitely told her not to say in the mix - making Hyun-Jin chuckle darkly. After some time she managed to struggle out of his grip by biting his hand - which did no damage really, he just gave her the chance to escape right then and there upon seeing she was no threat.

Immediately once she got on her feet, stumbling slightly, she ran over to Felix and jumped into his arms. Just like Olivia, tears were already streaming down her face quickly after deeming him truly here, not an illusion; a fragment of her memory that could've been gone. "Thank heavens! You're alive," She sobbed wetly, holding him tighter just to make sure he wouldn't disappear on her. They've already lost their parents, so they couldn't lose him too. He's all they have left. Felix held her back, curling his arms around her tightly with a small fond smile gracing his lips. "We were so worried about you." She chokes on her tears, spit, and the overflowing emotions that are very apparent in her voice.

Felix pulls away from her to wipe at the tears that stained her face. "I know. It's okay. I'm okay...and so are you both. I'm here now, I came back." He states softly, and then his eyes meet Hyun-Jin's, which holds a sense of adoration and love in them. He's itching to come near and hold the human, to kiss him, and to comfort him in whatever form he can provide. But he doesn't relieve that urge. Instead, he stays still, stands his ground, and observes, because, after all, Felix's sisters don't have a particular liking to him yet. They see him as a threat, a monster, and something they must protect their brother from.

Especially the one named Rachel. Hyun-Jin can sense her hatred and disgust, he can feel her fear mediating throughout the room and her glare burning holes into him. She doesn't want him to get hurt. She doesn't want him to take away her brother either, and he won't, because of course he'll let him return home whenever he wishes. But still. There's nothing she can do to stop him from doing so. Felix is his. His mate. His lover. And therefore on her behalf, he'll do whatever he must to protect him, no matter how difficult things could get in the future. He's not all cruel, yet—

"I'd hate to sour the moment, but I don't think we can stay any longer. I believe the women upfront will be coming back here soon." Hyun-Jin spoke up, breaking the silence that's settled over them all.

Felix nods hesitantly at that, giving one last hug to the young girls cuddling up to him before taking a step back and pulling away. "It was nice seeing you both again, please stay healthy and don't get in trouble. Take care of each other well." Was his last message. Once he went back to Hyun-Jin, Rachel squinted at the way he wrapped his arms around Felix's waist, pulling him close to his chest.

"Shall we go, love?"

And the nickname?

There was now a frown on her lips. It wasn't a displeased, saddened type of frown that held revulsion though, but rather one of confusion and suspicion due to the way her brother was unphased and not shoving him away. "We'll see him again, right?" She dared to speak to Hyun-Jin, bringing their attention back to them. Olivia was now out of the covers and by her side, holding onto the skirt ruffles of her sister's gown in a tight, trembling fist. She also wants to know. "Since you haven't...hurt him,"

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