3. When its too much.🔞

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He's strong enough to handle this drug. It's not the first time he has been drugged, so he can push through it.

Felix almost wants to laugh at himself when he remembers that, because - that's another thing that he didn't follow through with.

The first half an hour progressed with his body heating up quicker than before, becoming hot to the point he found wearing the thin silk robe too warm against his skin - and not cool like it was supposed to be. There was sweat pooling on his forehead and his palms were clammy as they clutched at his sides tightly. The heat was gathering at his abdomen surely, but also below in his groin, and he couldn't help but squeeze his thighs together. Therefore it wasn't long until his breathing came in irregular, ragged pants, and he found himself squirming against the bed with small gasps. It took every bit of strength to keep his composure - to not rub his thighs together and get that friction and pleasure his body desperately wanted.

He needed something to focus on other than his pathetic cries of need - other than the building arousal in his body, making him feel more sensitive, needy, and eager to get a reprieve from it all. But alas, he had nothing. No distractions, things he could think of, or ways to avoid this. This really, really must be it for him then, Felix decides as he curls forward. There's no way that he isn't dying. There's absolutely no way, with how overwhelmingly agonizing this all is. He's really—

His eyes squeeze shut as another wave of heat runs through him. It's greater than the others had been, sending him whining and gasping further against the sheets (that are probably damp with the drool sliding down his chin because he can feel something wet pooling below the area). The blonde's fingers dig into his sides again, and his legs draw upwards, and then there's yet another pathetic noise leaving him. Felix began to feel like he was melting, although not literally, he was starting to believe he was when his vision swam and his head started to turn fuzzy and faint, overwhelming him with nauseous desire.


By now it was clear that no matter what he would or could do; how strong his will to not give in was - the drug would continue, wouldn't cease its relentless effects that are pulsing in his veins until he actually does something about it. And for that, It had reached past what he could handle. He became too overly desperate, that he couldn't help but part his lips, calling out the name he promised he wouldn't; "Hyun-Jin, Hyun-Jin, Hyun-Jin." And instantly the other was here, appearing in the middle of the room. His hair that was tied up earlier was let down, un-tucked strands hanging in front of his forward due to the breeze that passed through the room occasionally - and now he had on lighter clothing than the royal garments before.

His ears and tails were still there of course, though, and Felix swallowed, feeling another rush of heat. He takes the few steps over to Felix that he needs—lowering his hand down so he can gently cup at the human's cheek. He holds it for a moment, before moving down to tip his chin upwards so they're looking directly at one another. His golden brown eyes held warmth, affection, lust, and just about everything, and Felix had lost himself in them, only able to stare.

"Look at you now." The Gumiho said lowly. "What did I tell you?"

"That'd I'd need help..." Felix answers quietly, albeit ashamed and embarrassed.

"That's right." Hyun-Jin hummed. "You need me, and I'm happy you've realized that." He added softly, his long-nailed thumb caressing Felix's cheekbone in a soothing manner. Felix's face felt hotter then, and his mind was spinning. A part of him doesn't really know what the hell is going on; He's drunk-like, and he's dazed, and maybe he's truly delirious for leaning into the touch. Hyun-Jin's lips quirk up at the corners by that, and he narrows his eyes to take in the red tint painting every inch of Felix's face; the way his eyes were glossed over; how his lips were parted open with small pants leaving him; and how his body seemed to shiver every now and then when Hyun-Jin's fingers brush along his skin.

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