A Biggie Problemo

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Jack's Pov

After i told Katie we had a problem she looked at me with a weird expression between hurt, irritated, and confused.

"What do you mean a 'problem' we already have a problem and thats pitch." she exclaimed then she looked like she immediately regretted saying anything

I was about to question her when the others came in. And by the looks from their faces they were not happy to be woken up from their beauty sleep.

"What in the world happened here! Jack Frost why are you crashing in here! Especially in Elsa's room? I thin--" Snow was whisper-yelling at me but then Punzie cut in

"Snow i think you should calm down a bit." Punzie then turned to me "Jack, why did you crash in Elsa's room? I'm surprised she hasn't woke up yet with all this noise!"

I slowly took a deep breath and explained to them what had happened with Pitch and what he had told me. Everyone seemed to panic when i got to the part when Pitcg told me he did something to Elsa. The whole time Katie looked distracted, of course i hadnt tolf anyone the part where Pitch mentioned he'd talked to Kat before he talked to me but Katie's expressions bothered me. Once i had finished talking we all rushed over to Elsa's bed and just looking at her you wouldn't know she was in a nightmare. But once we looked closely you could tell. Beads of sweat formed on her forehead and she was constantly moving, tossing and turning in her bed like she was trapped. And that was the truth, my poor sweet beautiful Elsa was trapped in one of Pitch's nightmares. Screw you Pitch. I could still imagine his smile and him laughing enjoying his little victory. He had stalled us once again in our plans to defeat him. With Elsa trapped we'd have to put pause on our mission and solve this problem. Then suddenly Elsa started to move around like she was in danger but then all thw movement stopped. We all looked at each other scared we had already tried to wake her up for it was all useless.

Then Elsa started sobbing, "no im sorry, i..i...i didn't mean to."

I hugged her tight.

"Im...im a monster. He was right im a monster and all i do is hurt others." Elsa sobbed.

Suddenly Rapunzel broke down crying, Eugene had to take her to their room to help her calm down we all knew how hard and terrible this had to be with her. Everything was for everyone but it hurt her more at this moment because of Elsa's situation.

It was all silent until Merida spoke up, "we...we have to do something. We cant just stanf here doing nothing."

"What can we do?" asked Ethan.

Snow sighed, " i know this something that has to be solved pronto so we'll have to stop the mission."

"We have to call Minnie and Mickey to inform them " said Carrie.

"No that's not a good idea." muttered Katie loud enough for us to hear her.

"Why not. This is highly important Kat. This isnt a game " remarked Hiccup.

"I know this isnt a game. You think im playing? I may be all hyperactive and always happy...ish but im also serious." Katie exclaimed which surprised all of us, "I know im not the smartest. Or the strongest. But i know i can help."

"Kat, thats not what i ment but right now we need to inform the bosses of this. We need help to solve this and help Elsa." said Hiccup.

Katie sighed deeply trying to keep her temper then slowly and a bit calmly she said "We can not call them." she quickly looked around at us, "i know we need help but calling them would make Pitch more aware that we are making progress and then he will know about the plan to stop him."

"How? How will he know, or find out?" asked Ethan in an angry tone

"Have you ever heard of hacking phone calls?" asked Carrie backing Katie up even if she was the one who had brought up the idea, "look after what Kat said, im with her. We can solve this and help Elsa. Without Minnie and Mickey. They will call us but we have to not answer them. Ignore them. For a while anyway. If Alex can send them a message with her magic hopefully they'll understand."

"I think thats a great idea " i say. I hadnt talked much. And i didn't feel like it.

After a bit more of discussing we all agreed with Carrie and Katie's plan.

"Hey where is Alex anyway?" asked Ethan

Then we all looked around to find Alex sleeping in a corner of the room we all laughed a bit .

"We should sleep a bit" suggested Hiccup

We all nodded uncertainty.

"I'll stay here in her room and take care of her." i said quietly

Everyone nodded again and they left the room. I quietly whispered to Elsa, "You are not a monster

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