Pitch You Son Of A Pitch

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Guys thanks for the 11.3k veiws and 293 votes! I've also changed the title! I hope you love it ;) This chapter will be a bit short. Why? GUYS. THE END IS NEAR.

Just to show what happened.-
Katie basically won the race so Dash owes her anything she wants

3rd POV
At Pitch's Hide Out

Pitch paced around his office wondering why those meddling spies hadn't showed up to save Anna and Kristoff. As far as he knew his plan had been going as planned. The spies hadn't been able to find a way to wake up the Snow Queen and Rapunzel was so upset she would do anything. As for Dash's reports they all had been satisfactory. He said Rapunzel had thought about what had happened years before and that perhaps an act of true love would save Elsa, and that Anna would most likely be the one to wake her up. The only thing that confused Pitch was; why hasn't Rapunzel tried to free Anna? Pitch finally decided to ask Dash, so he called one of his minions and told him to call Dash to his office.

Dash had just arrived the moment Pitch wanted to speak to him. Dash and the others had foreseen this. They knew soon Pitch would want to know why they hadn't tried to free their friends. So they devised a plan. Sure Dash was used to lying to his former boss but he was still nervous. What if he sensed that Dash was lying? Or what if he had already found out of their secret? No Dash had to think positively. Dash walked calmly and confidently to Pitch's office. Pitch barely glanced at him and continued to pace around.

"Dash, I have a few questions for you."

Dash's confidence began to wither a bit but he answered calmly, "Yes sir."

"I'm sure that they trust you from what you've told me, so you must know why they haven't come to save their friends. Am I correct?"

Dash took a quiet deep breath. This is good, he thought. If Pitch still trusted him that ment all was going well.

"Yes sir. In fact Rapunzel went frantic when I told her I had sneaked in here and saw Anna and Kristoff."

"Excellent. But you haven't answered my question. Why haven't they come?" Pitch had stoped pacing he slammed his fist on the desk.

The gesture made Dash jump out of his skin and tremble.

"Ahh, well that is Katie's fault sir. She convinced them that it was a trick you played on me...a nightmare."

Hopefully, Dash thought, Pitch will believe me. Or else I'll be dead.

Pitch sighed. "That girl is going to ruin my plans! Hmm. Perhaps...no."

"My Lord?" Dash asked quietly.

Pitch looked straight into Dash's eyes, making him squirm.

"I need you to convince Katie that they need to come here." he said, "Find any excuse to bring them here."

Shaking Dash nods and hurries out of Pitch's hide out. As fast as he left he reached his friend's house and told them the news.

"This is good." Elsa said. "Dash are you sure they haven't done anything to them?"

Dash shook his head, "Nothing besides the nightmares."

They were all in the basement listening to Dash's report. Fearful that someone might be spying on them they decided to make the basement their headquarters.

"So, when will we attack?" Eugene asked.

"Well Elsa and I have been talking" Katie said, "And we should be ready in a day or two days tops."

"That's good, because Pitch is getting restless." Dash agreed

Katie smiled mischievously, "Oh we've got that son of a Pitch wraped around our finger."

Her smile made them all glad that Katie was in their side. Lately, they had all been getting closer and being able to work much better. It was probably because the big battle was so close. This made some on them uncomfortable but at least they could count on each other.

"So what's the next part of the plan?" Alex asks.

"We have to train." Jack answers. "Dash you know all of Pitch's minions right?"

Dash nods confused. Lately Elsa, Katie, and Jack were the ones planning everything. They were the only ones who knew the plans and only told the rest when it was time to act. Which was fine with everyone since most of them didn't like having everything on their shoulders.

"So here's the plan. Each of us will train with Dash, we have to know our enemies before hand. So we know how to defeat them. Got it?"

Everyone nods.

"Great. Now let's get ready." Elsa grins

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