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Elsa's POV

No no no. This all has to be a dream. But it isn't. I killed all the people I cared for. I'm a monster Pitch was right, all I do is hurt others. My powers are too strong for me, I can't control them. I'm a monster like him like all those people I captured that also had killed people before. Like Hans who Anna was trying to capture. She's always better off without me. She has Kristoff to care for her. I have to escape this world some how. I quickly ran out of the house I had tears streaming down my face I got in one of the cars Jack and I rented the day before and drove to the nearest lake I could find. I parked the car and walked along the path that outlined the small lake. Somehow the weather had gotten chilly on my way here. Then it seemed lile like every second that passed by it got colder. This wouldn't have bothered me before at all. Why was I cold? I'm the Snow Queen. Literally. I tried to use my powers to create a jacket but my powers didn't work. Maybe it was because I had been denying my powers and what I had done. I hugged my arms and tried to warm my self but it didn't work I walked back to the car and got inside I turned on he heater but instead of shooting warm air it shot ice cold air. What's going on? My teeth started chattering. I turned off the air and started the car and drove away. Where can I go that I know will be warm? I can't go to a store the way I'm looking. I can't go to a restaurant either. I guess I'll just go home no not home, its hell. I parked the car and ran inside so I wouldn't be too cold. It had started snowing out side.
"What in the world is happening to the temperature?" I muttered.

The house was warm. I walked around. What I'm I going to do. Then I started to feel icy cold but this time it wasn't the temperature it was me. Maybe this was how my friends felt once i'd shot them with my powers.

Jack's POV

I had slept with Elsa last night I hugged her really tight but I couldn't fall asleep knowing she was trapped inside a nightmare. But then sleep caught up with me and I fell deep into sleep. When I woke up Elsa was freezing cold. The cold didn't bother me and I was sure it didn't bother Elsa either but she was trembling so Pitch must have done something to her powers. Dang it. I got up and looked for some warm blankets and wrapped them around her but nothing seemed to work. Then I hugged her tight. A single tear fell down my face. I can't help but feeling useless. I should be there with Elsa helping her but I can't do much out here. Then Elsa stopped shivering. As much as I hate leaving her I got up and walked out of her room and went into mine. I took a shower and then changed. As I walked down the hallway to go down stairs I noticed all the bed rooms empty everyone must be awake. I walked into the dinning room and sat down in the empty chair next to Carrie.

"How's Elsa doing?" asked Snow.

I looked at her grimly, "she was really cold when I woke up but then I covered her in a couple more blankets but besides that she's okay."

She nodded and poked at her breakfast. I looked around at the others. Rapunzel was shaking a bit, Eugene looked worried, Snow was sad, Ethan well he was just nervous, Hiccup seemed mad, sad, and confused, Merida was deep in thought so was Carrie, and Katie...I couldn't tell.

"Where's Alex" I asked

"In her room, sleeping " replied Katie

Carrie slightly nodded, "once we're done eating we need to start working. We can't be delayed. We have to help Elsa immediately."

Everyone nodded slowly. After we were done Merida volunteered to wake Alex up. And a moment later she came back with a barely awake Alex.

"What goin on" Alex asked rubbing her eyes and stretching

Hiccup explained to Alex What we had come up with the night before and Alex just stood there looking horrified.

"So, Elsa is...asleep" she said finally after a couple minutes

"You could say that" said Rapunzel.

"I'll go make a magical call to Minnie and Mickey" Alex said then walked back to her room.

I looked over to Kat who was barely talking. Then I noteced that she was...emotionless. Normally when something like this happened....well since I met her when she got upset her powers would they were emotionally controlled like Elsa's. But nothing, night-like had happened at all. Snow,Ethan, and Carrie had gone to Carrie's room and Rapunzel was falling asleep. Eugene and Hiccup decided to take her to the living room and let her sleep on the couch. Merida was just eating what ever she could find in the kitchen. Which was funny to me. I decided to talk to Katie. I moved closer to her.

Then she said, "it's all my fault."

"What's your fault?"

She looked at me with tears threatening to fall down. "I caused this to happen to her didn't I? I made Pitch go to Elsa and trap her in a nightmare."

" no it wasn't you, it isn't your fault it's Pitch's he caused all this." I paused, "Kat, what did he tell you. What did he talk to you about."

She hesitated, "Nothing"

"Kat, you hesitated"

" I didn't."

"Listen I need to know he told me he talked with you meaning he wanted me to know"

"I...he..." she sighed, "he said that my mother and father knew of an easier way to protect us."

"What do you mean?"

"My parents separated us, and when my mom took me away she changed our names and everything so Pitch wouldn't find us."

"But wouldn't it have been easier if you all stuck together and we'll you know"

"That's what Pitch said. Then he said that the only reason my mom let me travel so close to home was not to reunite with Hicc but for her to"

Then she burst out crying. I hugged her. "You know your parents may have not figured that out then."

" He said that they did and so did Hiccup" she said sobbing

"But it's pitch we're talking about. He could have lied to you."

"You said it, "could have" so maybe he didn't lie"

Then Hiccup came in and looked at us. "What's wrong?"

Kat stopped hugging me and wiped her tears. "Nothing"

"You sure? Cause I'm pretty sure I heard you crying." he said

"We're sure...right Jack" Kat said turning towards me.

I looked at Kat her eyes pleading me not to say anything. "Right"

Hiccup looked at both of us and shrugged then left. I turned to Kat again. "What else did he say"

"He said sooner or later...I would go back to him"

No that won't happen it can't happen. Can it?

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