Third Stop and Last Stop Sort Of

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Rapunzel's POV

Strange Katie has never done that before. I mean only when she's confused and trying to figure something out. oh well I'm sure she'll be fine. I hope. anyway yay now wee at the Third Stop.

Punz: can I ?

Elsa: sure

Punz: ok so here is our Third stop .

Eugene; so what happens here?

Mer: well here is were you eat silly! so its the cafeteria

Eugene: oh....

Snow: yeah *giggles* any way here is also were we separate.

Ethan: ok how? in our groups?

Elsa: yes now do you all remember your group?

Hicc: uhh not really

Jack: yeah all I remember is my partner....

Elsa: *rolls eyes* fine first go to your partner and then just follow them and then you'll now in which group you are .

then Eugene came to me, Ethan to Snow, Jack to Elsa, Alex to Katie(who is still not paying attention), and Hicc to Mer. and after that I went to Elsa cause I'm in the group of four.

Elsa: ok so now you see Punz, Eugene, Jack, and I are in group of 4. and Alex, Katie, Snow, Mer, Hicc, And Ethan are in group of 6.

and the rest of us nodded and headed our own way. first well I guess you could say the fourth pace we were going is our bosses office. as we got there we heard some people talking in Minnie's office. I think it was Minnie and Mickey.

Mickey: so your saying they can't know?

Minnie: well yes but just for now....

Mickey: oh ok well uhh who's gonna show me around?

Minnie: hmm I'll call for Katie our Welcoming President.

Mickey: ok

then I saw that I wasn't the only one who was listening to their conversation so was Elsa, Jack, and Eugene were also listening.

Elsa: what do you think their talking about?

Punz: I don't know. well any way this is our well fourth half first stop

Eugene: huh?

Punz: well its our fourth stop and its our first stop as our group of 4.

Jack: right...

Elsa: yeah and this as you uhh heard is the bosses Minnie's office

Jack: why heard?

Eugene: dude are dumb or what? she said heard cause of the conversation we just heard!

Jack: uhh right....

we all laughed at Jack cause of how stupid he was. then Minnie and Mickey opened the door. and that made us laugh even harder.

Mickey: why are you laughing?

Punz: haha well haha Jack haha was hahaha acting so hahaha DUMB!!!

now I can't breath well none of us can't so were trying to stop. and finally I stopped and so did the others.

Minnie: okay well do you know where Katie is?

Elsa: she's in the gardens with Merida and Snow.

Minnie: thank you

then they(Minnie and Mickey) went back in the office. I wonder why they-- never mind they had said she would give Mickey a tour. silly me.

Merida's POV

Were at the Gardens ugh I hate them well I don't hate them its just I'm not that much of a girly girl but... whatever.

Snow: and this is the gardens where we hang out.

Katie/m/: yeah

Mer: what?

Snow: Katie?

Katie: What Do You Want!?

Snow: Katie can I talk to you? alone?

Katie: ok

then Snow pulled Katie over behind the fountain.

Katie's POV

oh why am I acting like this!? I mean I'm not this mean not even to my friends.

Snow : Katie are you ok?

Katie: yeah sorry,  just confused about earlier

Snow: oh I'm sorry to but its just that... you know what I'm gonna tell you

Katie: really!?

Snow: yup ok so you kno--

then my phone rang. Minnie.

Katie: oh sorry I have to go its Minnie you can tell me later or another day and plus now I won't be so well mean

we giggle

Snow: ok.

then I went way and out of the gardens. and answered my phone.

( bold; Minnie)

(italics; Katie)

yes Minnie

Katie I need you to come to my office and give mister mickey a tour of our headquarters.

Yes ma'am
(end of call)

well I have to go and do the tour. again.

Merida's POV

after Katie left we finished our tour and we even ate dinner. So went to our apartment and Katie was there well so was Elsa, Jack, Punz, and Eugene. so we all went to sleep. ugh training starts tomorrow. Great.

Hi here I am again and please I need to know who u want me to ship here! cause I both I
like and ship Hiccelsa, Jelsa and Mericcup.



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