To The Ice Queen's Rescue

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Elsa's POV

As I drived through the road, up a snowy mountain. The voices in my head got louder. The more silence there was, the louder the voices got. I turned up the radio so it could drown the sound of the many voices in my head. There was a dead end so I ditched the car, took out all of my things, and walked up the mountain occasionally singing my song Let It Go out loud to myself. After what seemed 3 hours I come upon a cliff.

"I guess I have to use my powers here." I whisper to myself.

So I do. I use my powers to create stairs that lead to the other side. Uncertain if the stairs are safe I step on the first step of the stairs. Once I stepped on it, it all turned I to thick beautiful ice. I let a small laugh out. I feel free once again! I run across the whole stair case and once I'm on the othet side Im laughing out of glee and delight. I lay on the soft cool snow and looked up at the clear blue sky that had specks of white fluffy clouds. In the silent whooshing of the cool wintery breeze I begin to feel free once again. As I begin to think about my renewed freedom I get interrupted with voices. This time I don't block them out. Instead I listen to them. It's Punzie, Katie, Jack, Hiccup, Merida, and the others. They are arguing about something. Finally I hear Katie sigh.

"Fine! Punzie are you sure she can hear us because of me?" Katie whines

"Yes! You have powers and ugh! Its hard to explain! Just talk to her already and try to get in with her" Punzie exclaims desperately.

I smile to myself. I can see Katie looking confused maybe even pouting, and Punzie looking at Katie seriously.

"Here goes nothing." Katie murmurs. "Okay, umm Elsa? If you can hear me umm just let me know..."

I sit up intently. What is she talking about? I'm truly going mad!

"Is that all you've got?" Ethan asks laughing.

"Shut up!" Katie hissed, "Elsa you are in one of Pitch's nightmares. Do not believe anything! Well except our voices...right now."

I wait for a couple minutes for her to continue. But she doesn't. Instead she addresses the others and tells them to leave the room. Room? What is going on?. At the moment I dont believe anything without proof.

"Okay Elsa I know you don't know whether to trust me or not. Oh gods I don't know how to prove Im the real me. What doesn't Pitch know..."

With that Katie ended up thinking about ideas out loud but kept dismissing them. I laugh to myself because she would always mummble to her self. Katie gasps.

"Holy...! Elsa you were shaking! Not like the cold shaking...but the laughing shaking!" she exlaims, "Gods you smiled!"

It sounded as if she were having a panic attack. Like Anna would...should I trust what the Anna on the phone or the Katie in my head?

"Okay I got it. Pitch doesn't know this. Just you and me...and a few of the others. You remember that one time when I sorta said something about....gods." Katie whispered.

Okay. Definitely trusting Katie. Nothing more said. Katie let her words sink in before continuing.

"Hey! I have an idea maybe we can help you out of there." she says. "I'll try to use my powers to get in there with you."

Katie's POV

Crazy. Totally crazy. Oh yeah lets go into a nightmare! Yepi. Complete sarcasm. Am I crazy? You could say that. Because I totally am. And guess what. I am not even going to tell the others. I quickly shut the door and look around for a piece of paper and a pen. Quickly I write down a quick note for thw others explaining what Im going to do I case I do this successfully. Once I finish I pull up a chair next to Elsa's bed. For a moment I just sit there staring at her when I realize I dont know what to do.

"Oh gods how do I do this?" I complain to myself.

So I decide to just concentrate. I hold her hand tightly and concentrate. I want to be with Elsa. I have to be with her so I can save her. I keep repeating this over and over while imagining being right next to Elsa. I soon remember the first day I arrived at HQ. I was only 14 then, a mere teen who was forced to never tell anyone of her family. Minnie was younger then of course, she had called a girl named Elsa over to her office. We were introduced. Elsa is only four years older than me which made her 18 then. She was to show me around with Merida. I had told her about my powers and how unstable they were when I was mad, scared, or sad. Elsa just smiled and told me her powers were like mine, controlled with my emotions sometimes. I had been scared because I was afraid of making people fall asleep forever. Of course Merida helped me the most but that day Elsa looked at me straight in the eyes and held my hands. She said, Katie you would never harm anyone except if they're bad. You can control this. That memory warmed me up, no doubt that it was Anna who had helped Elsa believe that herself. Suddenly I become aware of my surroundings. I had kept my eyes closed tight but the air changed. A cold blast of air stings my skin. Slowly I open my eyes. Elsa is sitting in front of me wide eyed and holding my hand. I look from her to around me. We're in a snowly background. A mountain. Elsa has this wild look in her eyes telling me that I was able to get in her nightmare.

"Well." I acknowledged. "This doesn't look like a nightmare, now does it?"

Elsa lets out a gasp of relief and hugs me tight. She begins to sob into my shoulder, I pat her back and hug her back. I had no idea what to expect. All the tears and worries I had once cried and carried leave me and a warm feeling replaces them. Breaking apart I grin at Elsa.

"Made a big deal about this didnt ya? Making us all worried!" I nagged.

Of course I ment that in a sarcastic way. Elsa smiled a bit.

"Anyway what was your nightmare about?" I ask seriously now.

Elsa didn't look at me in the eye. She simply stared at the snowy ground. "I froze all of you... Hiccup, Eugene, Snow, Alex, Ethan, you, Punzie, Jack.... everyone. Anna rejected me. And the cold began to bother me. I was cold."

Elsa begins to sob and I reach for her and hug her tight. I keep whispering that it's okay. Finally she calmed down and we sat on the soft fresh snow.

"Are you cold?" Elsa asks.

I hadn't noticed but even though we're on a mountain and it's snowing. Im not cold at all, all I feel is the nice cool breeze.

I frown, "No. I'm not. Maybe it only affects you, since its your...your...nightmare."

Tears form and threaten to fall down. It costs all of my might to keep them from falling. I look down at my hands and I notice that they're trembling. Actually my whole body is, like Elsa's.

"Elsa Im sorry...its my fault you are having this nightmare"

"What?" she asks frowning

I explained how that night Pitch had visited me and I refused to join him. Elsa just gives me a small smile.

"Its not entirely your fault. He told me the same thing and I refused so it's my fault I got myself into this mess." She explains.

I can't bring myself to look at her. Should I always blame myself? Or should I allow others to take the blame? No. I know its my fault. Well not all of it at least. Its not my fault that Pitch is evil and it's not my fault that I have the powers he wants. Finally I stand up and hold my hand out to her.

"We need to get out of here."


Hello my little peeps! Sorry for not updating much I'm just busy. Happy late Christmas and Happy New Year! I hope you all had a great time!


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