-Chapter 3-

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ummm the picture... lol

I wrote this one fast sooo- I Idk if it's good.

um.  hi.



How the hell did he find the books? I thought Gem hung them at the bottom of the void. No one should have found them. Then HOW THE HELL IN ALL THE GREAT VOID DID PIXLRIFF FIND THEM??? My mind screamed. I looked around and everyone's head was reading. So I read with Jimmy. It was boring and the mentions of me were nice and charming but it hurt. I wish I could put my book down so I could go down memory lane. Yet, here I was reading with Jimmy. Then it got to a part that I didn't know about such as the date with Scott. I knew Jimmy was a simp but the dude was simping hard on him. Then at the end of the book, There was the good part of the book about Grian. I got bored and glanced at Gem who was sweating bullets.

I wasn't surprised that her book was in Shelby's library as a spell book. I mean like Gem was the wizard around at the time now um... I have no idea who it is. I don't care. Finally, everyone finishes. I looked around and they were reddened or stunned. Well sh!t I pray to Sanita Pearl that they don't ask questions. Looks like Pearl had mercy on me and Gem for today Pix made one and said that we would share whatever we were okay with at the next meeting would be in my wife Lizzie's empire. Even if she was my past lover, the empire she ran is freakish. I mean her empire is beautiful, her roofs are color-coded and the things she sells are wonderful. The things she trades are nice but her villagers are well the nicest way to say this furries. Yep, they are foxes-frogs -and bats are other things along the lines of them.

Anyway, I looked for Gem as she was in the crowd. I grabbed her and pulled out towards the barriers that were near my empire.

"Gemini Tay what in the great void are we going to do." I said after dragging her.''I don't know JOEL !?!?!?!" Gem barked back quickly. "There are many things we could do. Such as burned books which wouldn't be useful, "Or wipe the memory" I say hopefully. holy shit we were in a terrible place. My mind was screaming thinking about everything that could happen. Fwhip and Sausage would even now be unconquerable. Pearl wasn't even here... yet we had Oli. ew. I love Oli. He is in my top 20 friends but he wasn't Pearl. After affliction and half lost in thought Gem said something helpful but traumatizing. "What we just give them the memories back."What?!?"


This was the worst thing that had ever happened to me. not counting the big moon in season 8. Even then it could have been worse. I was asked to help set up with Kathy and I was late by like 10 minutes because something had got my attentive staff that- oh no the rift had sent my staff through it and it was close. I would have left it but I was late ... so in the great void didn't I just hide it?

I am going to murder Grian. He is also the cause I am in this mess. The clothing was a present from him. He was the one to open the rift. And the stupid robot too. I loved Grian but sometimes he is impossible. He is like a 2-year-old that you need a leash on at all times. I thought of what made me go through the rift. I finally got there. Scott was looking fancy but I was snapped out of what I was thinking of.

I don't know maybe Kathy was drowning in blossoms that Scott or perhaps I just wanted to. After saving Katherine it was time. I slumped in my seat waiting for everyone. It was painfully tedious. Sausage came I smiled Sausage and I weren't super close but 1000 years ago he was with my brother. My brother... then Lizzie and my brother, of course. Why wouldn't they arrive together Fwhip lives under her. I pained at the sight of my brother. We weren't even siblings anymore. but yet, I still wish he had the magic I was gifted with.

Shubble came with Joel. I made a small smile as Shelby sat down next to me but she looked not at me but my staff. Wait, Shelby is a witch and the team is from a well...me. I thought back to Crystal Cliffs, it had been so long.

But Shelby did go there, right? She would do well... I hope for that.

I turned to see Jimmy. Unbuttoned shirt.| R.I.P Scott aye.| I chuckle as I think that. Jimmy was nice-looking but not my type. I smiled that Jimmy didn't even notice. What silly men. Then finally Oli came. I wasn't even surprised. It's Oli come on you all.

Then Pixlriff said the word horrified. The book is a link between them and us—fudge chocolate with a side of hot caramel. I had made a mistake. I swear to Sianta Pearl, Joel, and every other god that I swear that I didn't do anything for any mortal to get them. Wait. Was Pix mortal? I think he is right. I hoped. I look at the leatherback pages. I hated that we wanted that. Tuesday meetings in the past, and they were fun before the feast. I remember very well that Scott and Lizzie both thought that it would be great to write our story if they [or any of us for that matter] had kids. Yeah- that didn't happen. Clearly.

Afterwards, I was nervous but I didn't think that I was sweating that much. After that horrid time, Joel dragged me to the broader Stratos, Very Worried. "Gemini Tay what in the great void are we going to do," he asked, "Like how would I know??? I snapped back "I don't know JOEL !?!?!?!" Joel started to panic, listing things that we could do. But then I had an idea, "What if we just give them the memories back."

___NO POV___

Joel's voice looked shocked. The once very panicked man looked at the shorter woman in awe. "Gem I don't know if you know this but that is like asking me if Jimmy isn't a simp. HELL NO." "Joel, listen." Gem grabbed his hands. "I think it is time."


Ohhh~ drama. poor Joel and Gem little did they know that it had just started for them. 

Also. any feedback?

My bird-like self could use it.

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