chapter 6 :>

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(⁠っ⁠˘̩⁠╭⁠╮⁠˘̩⁠)⁠っ here!!


He had to leave the boy at his family’s house so he decided to go first, and then meet the group there. It has been a long time since he was reunited with his family, the thought of spending time together makes him happy. He went to say goodbye to Mrs. Robert, he was grateful for her help and promised to contact her, she hugged Kookie tightly revealing her sadness. After a few more days, Yoongi was ready to go and headed to the airport.

When he got on the plane, the flight attendant’s face became ambiguous because he had a child on his arm and a carrier on the other. His gaze drifted to Yoongi’s face and he quickly gave him a professional smile. Yoongi was equipped with a baby seat.

After sitting the boy on the seat, he wrapped his body with a blanket and gave him some sweets, Kookie was satisfied and sat quietly.

As he secured the carrier, the boy’s face suddenly caught his eye. His swollen face and cheeks dyed a natural red reminded him of that man.

Is it because he knows he is his son or because he really is like him?

He’ll ask someone to verify it . Yoongi had to calm his curiosity this time.

Will the man recognize me? Will he remember him?

When he first met him, he remembered that the man kept his gaze on him, his forehead distorted. The image that comes to mind when he thinks of him has always been the same. A narcissist.

Most dominant Alphas were close to being psychopaths when they manifested before puberty. They were very likely to become psychopaths by experiencing the so-called “burst time”, a rapid emotional change.

In the case of Jeon Jungkook, it was said to have occurred after going through puberty. The problem was, his pheromones were too focused on anger. The psychopaths also said they felt anger.

Suddenly, he remembered the chocolate commercial that Jungkook made when he was five years old. When his debut ad was released, the entire country had been excited for the little actor. Even now, the chocolate commercials do not cause much emotion in the public. Boys Yoongi’s age dreamed of romance, with girls, they were featured at the time on a national scale, but Yoongi’s first love was a boy, and his first love will not come true.


Yoongi let out a short sigh when he looked at the little boy next to him.

The passenger sitting next to the boy looked at the monitor from the front. At first glance, on the screen, Yoongi saw the man who had just floated in his head. For the moment he was fascinated. The sun illuminated his blonde hair with long fingers sweeping through his wet hair, dark purple eyes staring directly at the screen.

The god of the sea has become a human being.

At the same time, he felt his heart pound. Sadly, unless his brain is completely crushed, Yoongi will probably never forget that man until he dies. Suddenly, the ad ended. But Yoongi couldn’t move.

The time to see him face to face was getting closer. However, he had endeavored to postpone the moment as long as possible.

He closed his eyes.



Minji, ​​who had come to pick him up at the airport, called out his name as soon as she saw her brother.

Yoongi was holding Kookie with one arm and dragging the transporter with the other.

Yoongi received a warm hug from his sister.

While enduring the mixed emotions. Minji raised her head, stood with her arms around him, and took a deep breath. Yoongi smiled first. Minji laughed. It had been a long time since they met.

“You’re still ugly.”


to be continued...

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