Chapter 2: The Earth Emperor Dragon: Velgaia and Phobio's Arrival

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3rd Person POV

While Rimuru was having his flashback, the dragon took on his human form. What came next was a boy with short messy black hair and deep dark blue eyes. He looked like a 17-18-year-old but was actually much older than that. He had a lean body and a handsome and serious face and wore a black robe, pants, and boots. This individual was the Earth Emperor Dragon Velgaia, one of the 5 as well as the youngest true dragon in existence.

 This individual was the Earth Emperor Dragon Velgaia, one of the 5 as well as the youngest true dragon in existence

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Milim then went to him and hugged him happily.

Milim: "It's so good to see you again! What are you doing here though?"

Velgaia: "I've been looking for you young lady, that's what I'm doing here. Do you have any idea how worried I was for you when you didn't return home!?"

Milim: "Ah uh, that's-"

Velgaia: "Seriously, the only way I was able to find you is because of the soul corridor. You could've at least informed me beforehand! And what are you even doing in the Jura forest? What about that stupid pact of yours?"

Milim: "I'm sorry! I just wanted to play with someone because I was bored as hell! And besides, since Veldora is gone, the pact doesn't need to be followed."

Velgaia: "About the pact, fine but who is this someone you wanted to play with?" Velgaia was surprised that Milim found someone to play with as she normally isn't interested in playing with anyone except him.

Velgaia: 'Whoever this person is, he must be pretty interesting.'

Milim: "Oh, his name is Rimuru Tempest." She said casually not knowing the weight of those words.

Velgaia: 'HUH!?!?!?' "Wait,Rimuru!?!?"

Milim: "Yeah, I was surprised too but he's a completely different person."

Velgaia: "Where is he right now?"

Milim: "Hmm, oh he's right there." She said while pointing towards Rimuru who had snapped out from his flashback.

Velgaia: 'They look way too similar but also very different.'

Rimuru: "Uh, hello. I am Rimuru Tempest, the chancellor of the Jura Forest as well as the leader of The Jura Tempest Federation. Nice to meet you."

Velgaia: 'On second thought, they are VERY different.' "Hoh? You are quite bold to declare yourself as this forest's chancellor even though it's Veldora-nii's territory."

Rimuru: "Uhh- wait, NII!?!?"

Velgaia: "Oh sorry, I forgot to introduce myself, I am Velgaia, the Earth Emperor Dragon as well as the 5th and youngest true dragon in existence. Nice to meet you, Rimuru Tempest."

Rimuru: "Same but I hope you'll be fine with me as the chancellor of this forest."

Velgaia: "Hahaha, don't worry about me, I'm completely fine with it. Let's just hope that Veldora-nii will be okay with it when he reappears again."

Rimuru: Veldanava's right hand (On hold)Where stories live. Discover now