Chapter 3.5: Thoughts about Interference in Skills and Flashing Memories

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Rimuru POV

Right now, I'm doing paperwork. Milim and Velgaia did come to ask me to play with them but Shuna drove them off. She was so scary!! I was constantly having a chill run down my spine as she was diving them off and telling me to keep doing my paperwork. Note to self, do not anger Shuna at any cost. Pheww! Finally, I'm done! Now what should I do? Ah right! [Wise One], we should now talk about the skill interferences, don't you think?

<< Understood. Should I start by reporting the amount of interferences in the skills?>> Yes, please!

<< Affirmative: Firstly, unique skill [Great Sage] evolved into unique skill [Wise One]. Secondly, Master acquired the unique skill [Eternal Seal]. Lastly, Master acquired the extra skill [Megalodon Summoning] from Charybdis which he was not supposed to require. This concludes the report.>> I see, so that's what happened, huh? Well, we theorized that a powerful being is intervening and evolving my skills as well as giving me more skills, correct?

<< Correct.>> Got it. However, I have a theory of my own as well. I think this interference with my skills and the flashing memories I have been receiving for a while may have a connection. What do you think, [Wise One]? They then went silent for 5 full seconds before replying...

<< Answer: I think such a theory has a 98% chance of being true. Furthermore, I have made another theory that might just align these new skills and the flashing memories>> Really!? Please tell me!

<< Affirmative: Master actually reincarnated in another timeline, died again, and then reincarnated as a slime. I also have another theory, in which Master had first lived in this life, then died and reincarnated as Satoru Mikami, then died again and reincarnated in this timeline. This concludes my theories.>> .....WHAT!? Are you saying this is not my second life but my third one!?

<< Answer: Yes. This explains those flashbacks as well as the new skills.>> WHAT THE HELL!?!? That means I lived in this world as well!?

<< Answer: Yes.>> She replied casually. But which one is my first life? My life as Satoru or my life in this world?

<<Answer: Unknown. However, It's more likely for Master's life as Satoru was Master's first life.>> Alright. But why can't I remember my life before in this world and remember my life as Satoru? There's got to be a legitimate reason for that.

<<Answer: Unknown. Still speculating.>> Hmm, wait, what if Veldora's old friend who he named me after was my previous reincarnation? I remember how he mentioned it to me back then.


Veldora: Wait, Rimuru! Before you eat me, I want to tell you something." Huh? What is there to tell me now?

Rimuru: Sure. What is it?"

Veldora: "Well, it's about the name I gave you." Huh, What does he mean by that?

Veldora: "Actually, I named you after a best friend of mine who has passed away." A best friend? He had one? I'm surprised. I didn't dare say that though.

Rimuru: "Really? What did he look like and how was his personality?"

Veldora: "He had majestic, long silver-blue hair, bright golden eyes which looked like they were piercing your soul, a slender but genderless body, and a beautiful face." Wow! So he is actually genderless but refers to himself as a man, huh? Interesting.

Veldora: "As for his personality, he appears to be cold and calculating, but deep down, he genuinely cared for those who were closest to him. He's also a bit sadistic and a battle maniac." I see. What an interesting personality!

Rimuru: "Thanks for telling me that, Veldora. He sounds like a great man."

Veldora: "He was! Anyway, please continue what you were doing, Rimuru!"

Rimuru: "Got it, Veldora!"

(Flashback end)

So what do you think about it, [Wise One]? Can I be that person's reincarnation?

<<Answer: Due to the description of the individual Veldora Tempest's friend being the same as Master's human form, there is a high chance that Master is.>> Hmm, wait! I remember how Velgaia once told me about how I look a lot like his sensei. Perhaps both of them were the same person?

<<Answer: That is most likely to be true.>> Alright, we're getting somewhere now. This means that all I have to do is just ask Velgaia more about his sensei.

<<Notice: That will not bring a desirable outcome.>> Huh? What do you mean by that?

<<Answer: This theory about reincarnation should be kept a secret for the time being. If we ask the individual Velgaia about this all of a sudden, he might get suspicious about it, and root it down to this.>> You're right. We can't let anyone know this just yet. And asking Velgaia about this might be a mistake. The same goes for Milim, if we ask her all of a sudden, she will get suspicious too, and start bugging me about it. Anyway, back to the reincarnation theory. If I really was present in this world before as well, then that means that the interferences in my skills and memories I'm receiving are actually me receiving my abilities and memories from my previous life. What do you think?

<<Answer: Most likely true.>> Great! So I just need to get even stronger and meet people who I once knew in my previous life to regain my previous abilities and memories.

<<Correct.>> Alright! Anyway, now let's talk about the memories I received so far. The first memory I got was of a black-haired man naming me Rimuru. It also seemed like he was holding me. Hmm, this might mean that I wasn't originally human but rather another species that just so happened to have a human form that looked like this human form. The second memory I got was of a 7-year-old Milim asking me for a break and calling me sensei while I refused her a break, saying that a guy named Veldanava ordered me to train her. It also seems that this Veldanava was my master in my previous life and I addressed him as "sama". Hmm, he might be the black-haired man I saw before. The final memory that I have received so far was of me naming a blue dragon "Velgaia". I see, so I named and trained Velgaia, huh? Anyway, I guess these are all the clues I have now. I hope I can find-

Shuna: "Rimuru-sama, are you done with your paperwork?" She asked after opening the door and holding a ton of papers. Wait... please no!

Rimuru: "Yes, Shuna. I was planning to take a stroll around the town right now."

Shuna: "I see. But can that wait for now? There are still more papers you need to fill." She asked with that scary smile on her face. Ah shit... I gonna refuse.

Rimuru: "Sure. Give them to me so I can fill them up." In the end, I gave in to avoid a severe punishment from her.

Rimuru: 'It seems that my suffering has not ended yet.'


(907 words)

Rimuru: Veldanava's right hand (On hold)Where stories live. Discover now