Chapter 11: Origin Part 3

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Rimuru POV

Rimuru: "Oof!!" I grunted as I was blown back.

2,000 years have passed since I was born, named, and since Veldanava-sama started training me. During that time, I went through rigorous training and sparred with each of the Primordial Angels.

At first, I was way too weak to defeat them. However, as time went on, I began to learn and adapt to their fighting style.

I also altered my human form by removing my horns and changing a bit of my facial structure. This is because I didn't wish to look exactly like Veldanava-sama.

However, this required use of my magicules, which is why I cannot use my full powers and abilities to my advantage during a fight. Luckily, my magicule count was even higher than Feldway-san's so that wasn't much of a problem.

As time passed, defeating them became even easier than eating a piece of cake. Even Feldway-san, who was on a whole other level, was no match for me.

However, when it comes to fighting Veldanava-sama, as expected, I am way too weak to defeat him. Well, it's nothing to worry about. Besides, no one has the capability to beat Veldanava-sama in anything.

Which is why I'm currently laying on the ground after being blown back by Veldanava-sama.

Veldanava: "Impressive. You have improved even more, Rimuru. Faster than any subordinate I ever had." He complimented. His ocean-blue eyes gazing down at my beaten up figure. His expression betrayed joy and pride.

Rimuru: "I am honored, Veldanava-sama." I said as I got up.

Veldanava: "Good. However, you should try and use your Ultimate skills as well. They aren't just for show. You have to use them to win." He stated, his voice carrying authority and wisdom.

During my intense training, I was able to acquire 3 Ultimate skills. These are [Gluttonous King Belzebuth], [Space King Orion], and [Seal King Heimdall]. They had the following subskills: -

For [Belzebuth]:

1). Predation

2). Analysis

3). Stomach

4). Mimicry

5). Isolation

6). Rot

7). Soul Consume: Allows the user to seize and manipulate the soul of anyone who has completely surrendered their will to the user as they wish.

8). Food Chain (Combination of Receive and Provide): Allows the user to grant and receive the skills of those under your influence.

For [Orion]:

1). Thought Acceleration: Increases the user's thought processing speed hundreds of millions of times.

2). Analytical Appraisal: Analyzes and assesses the target.

3). All of Creation: Provides full coverage of all unsuppressed matter and phenomena in this world.

4). Space Control: Allows the user to have full control over the element of space, surpassing even [Spatial Domination].

5). Mirror Dimension: Allows the user to create a separate dimension which they have full control over.

For [Heimdall]:

1). Seal casting: The user can cast a seal that can last for more than 2000 years or eternity if untouched. The user can create a seal powerful enough to trap a True dragon.

2). Seal Erasure: The user can also erase any seal except for seals that are stronger than the seals that the user can create.

3). Seal Control: The user can control and change the properties of the seal he creates as well as other seals that are not stronger than the ones the user creates.

Rimuru: Veldanava's right hand (On hold)Where stories live. Discover now