Unplanned vacation

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"Tada!" Watson shouted one morning at 221 B Baker Street. Holmes replied somewhat annoyed as he looked up from his newspaper: "What is it?" "I have a surprise!  “We’re going on vacation!” Watson shouted enthusiastically.  But Holmes just said: "I'm sorry, but the criminals won't go on vacation just because I do, Watson!" "Ok, ok, but the sea air would definitely be good for you and your lungs!

I've also heard that large amounts of money have been stolen on several cruises recently.  We even had $10,000 stolen on our ship!” explained Watson.  "Well, you're right!  Then book the trip now!” said Holmes, who had now pricked up his ears.  Watson quickly replied: "I don't need to!"

For this he received a few reproachful looks.  The next day the two men got ready to leave.  "I'm waiting Watson, hurry up a bit, the ship will be leaving in 30 minutes!" Holmes called calmly from the living room.

Watson shouted from above: "CHILL!"  I just need to pack a few more bags of chips!  How else am I supposed to survive the journey?” After 10 minutes they were sitting in Mrs. Hudson’s old car.  Holmes fought back, but ultimately Watson was behind the wheel.  At least the two of them weren't late, but of course they ended up causing a huge accident in the harbor parking lot!

When they entered the ship it was very crowded because there was only one way up and everyone used it.

It took an eternity until Holmes and Watson finally made it onto the deck, but when they stepped through the door they were stopped by security.  “What’s going on now?!” complained Watson.  The security guard replied, "Your friend has drugs and they didn't do anything about it.  Holmes replied: "Watson is not my friend, but only a companion and my chronicler.  Besides, it's normal to have drugs!” The security guard said: Do you have any more drugs?!  This is not permitted on this ship!  And if I catch them again, they'll fly off the ship!  Understand!?" Holmes replied: Yes, you made yourself very clear!"

After the conversation, the two finally went upstairs to the rooms.  When they got to their room, Watson, exhausted from running up the stairs, said, "Man, buddy, thanks to you, we were in trouble again!  Besides, what does that mean, I'm just your companion and chronicler!" Holmes said: "I just said that and actually it's your fault because you provoked the security guard!" Then the two were silent for 5 minutes.

But the silence didn't last long.  After apologizing, the two began to unpack their things.  It didn't take long for Watson to turn the room into a pigsty.  Holmes didn't like that at all.

After another 20 minutes, the two men started looking for a room plan on which all the rooms and their locations were marked.  It didn't take them long before they found a café.  Watson ordered a large piece of cake and a bowl of pudding.  Holmes only ordered a beer.

As Watson happily ate his piece of cake, Holmes, who was, as always, two steps ahead, said: “I thought your account was empty.  How could you afford a cruise for two people?!” “Oh yeah, we didn’t have to pay anything!  We were invited by the Captain!”

Holmes stared blankly at Watson.  ,,What?  Why didn't you say that right away!?" "Well, I wanted us to relax and not work on the captain's new assignment!" Watson said with his mouth full.  Holmes replied: "I don't believe it!  We have a case!  We have to start immediately, otherwise we'll be thrown off the ship.  After all, that's the only reason we're on the ship." "Oh!  I didn’t even think of that!” Watson said with his mouth full.

Holmes angrily stood up and walked out of the café.  Watson stuffed a few last spoonfuls of pudding into his mouth and hurried after him, panting loudly.  In the meantime, Holmes entered the bridge of the ship.

The captain opened the door and said happily, "Ah, hello!  You must be Holmes.  And that's her butler Watson, right?  Come in!” Watson spat out the pudding and shouted indignantly: “The butler!  In his eyes I'm not his friend, but his butler?  Never!  If Holmes had a butler I would feel sorry for him!  No one can see through Holmes anymore!” Watson angrily stalked away, leaving Holms and the confused captain alone.

Holmes apologized for Watson and stepped through the door.  The captain said to Holmes: Well, as you probably already know, there have been some minor and major thefts on the ship recently.  News of missing items has been passed on to us on almost every trip.  Here is a list of the stolen items:
1.   5 wallets
2.   2 game consoles
3.   8 cell phones
4.   1 gold chain
5.   10 silver/gold rings
6.   20 handbags

I'm afraid the thief will attack again!  But luckily they are there.”  Holmes was already saying somewhere else in his mind: "Thanks, that's enough information for now!  If you find out anything else or remember something, you can just let me know.  Or they knock on our cabin, number 648.”  Holmes stood up and walked towards the door.  The captain called out, "Goodbye, Mister Holmes!"  "Goodbye Captain!"

When he arrived in his cabin, the first thing he did was look for his chronicler Watson, but he wasn't there!  Holmes didn't want to go to so much trouble looking for Watson, so he just looked in the small cafe.  But Watson wasn't in the café either.  Without a second thought, Holmes went into the cabin and sat down in an armchair.

Before that, he got a new newspaper from one of the shops.  After 2 hours it collapsed.  When he woke up it was already 6 a.m.  So he fell asleep at 8 p.m. and didn't wake up until the next morning.  But Watson still wasn't there.  Holmes wasn't worried, but he was angry.  Holmes said angrily: “I don't like Watson disappearing now!  Well, then I have to investigate further on my own!”

Holmes went onto the deck of the ship and looked around.  He asked an old woman: “Excuse me, have you ever been robbed on this ship?”  She answered questioningly: "No, but that's good, isn't it?" Holmes replied: "No, that's not so good for me."  The lady said in surprise: “Yes, what?  But for me!  Please keep your opinions to yourself, good man!  Why are you even asking?" "We don't know each other so I can't reveal this information to you."  Holmes moved on, somewhat offended by the old lady's arrogance.

Suddenly he saw Watson in the pool.  He swam in the water with Cate.  Holmes went to the pool and said to Watson, "You've been with Cate the whole time since we screamed?!"  Watson said, somewhat offended, "Yes, I'm getting married to Cate tomorrow and I wanted to spend some time with her first, so I did."  ,,They are engaged?  I didn't know anything about that!

But that is of secondary importance for now.  Now that you've spent some time, you can now help me with the investigation again!  You were with Cate for a total of 10 hours!”  But Watson had no desire to investigate.  So Holmes went back to his cabin.  But he wanted to make a detour to see the captain first.

Sherlock Holmes and The Cruise (English)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin