Man overboard

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The two men have been on the cruise ship for a week now and still haven't found out much important.  At least not Watson, you never know with Holmes!

Holmes said to Watson, "We need to find out more about the Hellner shipping company.  Ultimately, the conversations with the victims of the raids were not so successful.”  Watson replied: “Yes, I can do that!  You have an important appointment coming up!”  Holmes said: "That can't be true.  I keep a close eye on my appointments!”  Watson said, "But I have agreed to meet someone on your behalf!"

Holmes looked at Watson in horror and replied: Excuse me!?”  Watson smiled and handed Holmes his jacket.  Then he pushed him out of the cabin and said: “Quickly, you have to get on the deck!  Or do you want to be late!?”

A little annoyed, Holmes set off.  As he stood on the deck of the ship and waited, he complained: "It's pretty cold!  Where is the person?  She’s already 5 minutes late!”  Suddenly Holmes felt a cold breath on his neck and smelled a woman's perfume, a very strong one!

He slowly turned around as if in slow motion and saw the strange girl who thinks she is Holmes' daughter.  Emilia Holmes said: "Sorry I'm late.  If my German assignment hadn’t held me back, I would have been on time!”  Holmes said: "I don't care whether you come or not!"  Emilia then said: "I know it sounds paranoid, but I'm your daughter!"  Holmes said: “Nonsense!  You just have the same last name, that can happen!”  Emilia replied: "It's true, why don't you believe me?"

Holmes said: "I'm not gullible!  Besides, you’re totally crazy!”  Emilia replied: "Please, I'll explain everything to you!"  Holmes replied, "You've already had the chance!"  Emilia continued to cajole Holmes until he had to give her another opportunity.  Emilia said: "Mom didn't want you to know about me because you never wanted to have a child!  She was also afraid of your reaction.  She gave me to my aunt when I was 1 year old.  Then before she died she wanted to tell you, but she had no idea that death was following her.  When I was 12 years old I went to school on the cruise ship.  Unfortunately, my aunt and yours and mom’s parents are dead. Do you finally believe me now?”  Holmes swallowed and replied, "I'm sorry!  I never believed you, although, how shall I put it, maybe you were a little right.”

Emilia smiled and was pleased that Holmes finally believed her.  Holmes now said: “I have to go now!”  When Holmes was back in his cabin he asked Watson: "You know about Emilia?"  Watson replied: “Sure thing, dude!  Mycroft told me everything!”  ,,What has he!?  Wait, I’ll be right back!”  Spoke Holmes, walking quickly towards cabin 897.

He opened the door and shouted: “What made you come up with this idea!  I denied that!”  Mycroft said somewhat cluelessly: "I'm afraid I don't know what you mean!  Why don’t you sit down, we can have some nice warm tea!?”  Holmes complained: "Okay, then I'll help you out!  Why did you tell Watson about Emilia?”  Mycroft said, "I couldn't lie to him, so I could, but I didn't want to!"  Holmes replied, "I don't care what you want!"  But Mycroft ignored him and continued to drink his tea with pleasure.

Holmes left cabin 897 annoyed. But he didn't make his way to his cabin, but went to another one.  Now he was standing in front of cabin 351. Holmes was about to knock, but a man came out of the cabin.

It was Hugo.  Hugo asked: “What’s up?”  .  Holmes opened the door and went into the room.  He looked around very carefully.  It didn't take long until he found a photo of Hugo and his wife.  Holmes was amazed as he looked at the picture and said, "Hugo's wife has blonde hair in the photo but the doll had brown.  Is Hugo blind?”

Suddenly Holmes heard footsteps, but he couldn't hide.  It was Hugo, he came into his cabin.  ,,What are you doing?"  asked Hugo.  Holmes replied: "Sorry but I want to see a picture of your wife."  Hugo replied: "Ok, but Why?"  Holmes said: “Because your wife has blonde hair and the fake person has brown hair.  Do you need glasses?”  Hugo said: I think yes!  Can you go with me to buy glasses?  Sometimes I think that a stone is my wife.”  Holmes said, "Ok but..."

But before he could finish, Hugo pulled him along.  The two of them stood in front of a huge shelf in the glasses store.  Hugo tried on a lot of glasses, but he didn't like any of them.  Finally he looked at monocles.  There he found what he was looking for and chose the most beautiful two.  Holmes thought it was ridiculous to buy two monocles instead of glasses.  The cashier thought so too, but Hugo wanted his monocles.  Of course, two monocles instead of glasses were more expensive.  He had also chosen the most beautiful monocles decorated with gold.  Hugo had to pay 500 euros instead of 200 euros.  Holmes just shook his head as Hugo paid.

As Holmes sat in the cabin with Watson in the evening, he said: “I learned a lot today.  Hugo needed glasses and that's why he thought the doll was his wife.  He even sometimes mistakes her for a stone.  He lost his wife two years ago, here on this ship.  That’s why he thought she was the doll and that his wife was dead.”

Watson said: "So we don't just have one order, but two.  Once from the captain because of the raids and once from Hugo because of his missing wife.  Oh man!  I don’t feel like doing Hugo’s job!”

Holmes replied: "That's right.  But why don’t you feel like taking on Hugo’s assignment?”  Watson said: “Because I have to speak English now because of the assignment.  I mean I can speak English, but I just don't want to speak the language.  I prefer Latin!  But unfortunately the language is no longer spoken!”

Just as the two were about to sleep, they heard a loud scream.  Someone screamed HELP on the deck.  Holmes and Watson jumped up and ran onto the deck.  Holmes got there first and saw a person swimming in the water.

The person shouted: "I fell off the ship, you have to help me before the ship moves on!"  Holmes wanted to help her, but he was in a trance and no longer moved.

When Watson came he pulled the person up.  It was an older lady who was no longer good at walking and certainly not good at swimming.  The lady thanked him and went to her cabin.

Now only Watson and Holmes were left on the deck.  Dr.  John Watson laid Holmes on the floor and knelt next to him.  Then he took a pulse and whether Holmes was still breathing.  Luckily everything looked good, Holmes was just in a trance.  Watson took him to her cabin and laid him in his bed.  After an hour, Holmes finally moved again.  Watson was very relieved and asked Holmes, "Are you OK?"  You were in a trance.  Have you ever experienced something bad that reminded you of the situation before?”

Sherlock Holmes and The Cruise (English)Where stories live. Discover now