Chapter 1

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"You're being ridiculous." Anthony said in annoyed tone, as he sat in the chair of the computer room, and Ian stood in the doorway.

Ian walked away. Anthony sat back in the chair and sighed, shaking his head. A minute later he saw Ian walk by the door again, whilst holding something. Anthony furrowed his eyebrows and got up from the chair. He walked down the hall to the bedroom and pushed the door open. Ian was pulling clothes out from the drawer and shoving them into a backpack, whilst mumbling to himself.

"What on earth are you doing?" Anthony asked.

Ian zipped his bag over, stood up and slung it over one shoulder. He gave Anthony an annoyed and angry look. He ignored Anthony's question, walked over to the door and pushed past him.

Anthony walked after him, "Where the hell are you going?"

Ian reached the front door and turned round. "I'm leaving, what does it look like I'm doing?" He snapped back.

"Oh my god, come on. Where are you even going to go anyways?"

"I don't know, I'll find a hotel or something. As long I'm away from you, I'll be happy."

"Well fine then, go. I'll be much happier too."

"Fine." Ian finished. He opened the door, stormed out and slammed it shut once again.

Anthony turned around and walked back into the living room. He stood in the middle of the floor and rested his hands on his neck, looking up at the ceiling; he let out a long sigh.


It had been around 5 hours since Ian had left. Anthony was currently on the couch on his laptop, with the TV turned on for background noise. He kept checking his phone to see if Ian had text him, but nothing.

They'd been fighting quite a bit lately and this was the first time Ian had been gone so long. Anthony barely even remembered how the argument started today, nowadays their fights began with one thing and ended with another. This was their fourth fight this week and it was really taking a strain on their relationship.


Another 2 hours past and Anthony had still received no word from Ian, he was staring to worry a bit. He sat down on the edge of the bed and dialled Ian's number, it rang and rang, but just ended up going to voicemail. He tried a couple more times, but no answer. He sighed in frustration and threw his phone on the bed as he stood up.


Around 1am he got into bed. He checked his phone once more before setting it down on the beside table. He rolled over onto his side, wishing he'd be greeted by Ian's face, but no; the other side of the bed felt so empty and cold without him.


Anthony awoke the next morning; he groggily rolled onto his back and rubbed his eyes. He stretched and reached over to grab his phone. He clicked the button and the screen lit up to reveal nothing from Ian. He unlocked his phone just to double check, but there was nothing. "What the hell?" Anthony thought to himself.

He got out of bed and made his way to the bathroom. He brushed his teeth, then started the shower. He undressed himself and stepped in.

Around fifteen minutes later he was finished, he got out and wrapped a towel around himself. Once he'd changed into some clothes, he quickly blowdried his hair and styled it.

He went into the kitchen and made himself some cereal. He sat down at the table and looked through his phone as he ate. Once he'd finished, he was taking his bowl to the sink, when the front door opened and Ian walked in. Anthony sat the bowl down.

"Thank God, where have you been? You couldn't think to have called or text to let me know you were okay, I was worried." Anthony said.

Ian didn't answer and just walked into the living room, he stood at the table with his hands on the back of the chair.

"So now your not even going to talk to me?" Anthony asked as he stared at the back of Ian. He sighed, "Look, Ian I'm sorry, okay. I don't even know what that argument was about yesterday and I jus-"

"I think we need a break...." Ian murmured, cutting him mid-sentence.

"What...?" Anthony asked.

"I think we need a break." Ian repeated louder. He didn't turn round to face Anthony.

Anthony's eyes widened. "Wait, what do you mean? Are we breaking up?"

Ian began turning around, "Well technically, no.....but yes at the same time."

Anthony heart ached, he felt sick and he wanted to cry. "W-Why?"

"Anthony, I do still love you, but I just can't take all this fighting anymore. I did a lot of thinking last night and I just feel that it would be best for us to have a break from each other for some time."

Anthony shook his head, "Please don't do this..." A few tears welled up in his eyes.

"I'm sorry Anthony...."

"Please Ian, I know we can work this out."

"We can't Anthony. We're still going to film videos and continue work as usual. We've got some videos backed up for the next few weeks so we won't be seeing each other in that time. Now I'm flying back to LA today, so I better get going."

Anthony lowered his head a began to cry quietly. He suddenly felt Ian hug him.

"Don't cry, this is best for both of us." Ian said softly.

Anthony hesitantly hugged back.

"I'll see you in a few weeks." Ian whispered and gently kissed the side of Anthony's head, before removing himself from the hug.

Ian walked over and picked up his bag, he took one last look back at Anthony, who was still hadn't moved, before he walked out the door.

When Anthony heard the door shut he broke down. He ran to the bedroom, got into bed and cried loudly into the pillow.


(A/N) So that's the first chapter, it wasn't that great but the story will get better as it goes on, so hopefully you guys are excited to read more :)

Hope you guys have an awesome day and I'll see ya in the next chapter <3

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