Chapter 12

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Anthony was driving, the rain battering down heavy down against the car. People were rushing around on the streets outside covering their heads with jackets and such, or trying find shelter. Anthony was on his way home, he turned a corner onto a fairly empty street. He was driving down when he saw someone on the right side of the street, sitting at a bus stop; They looked familiar.

"Is that Ian...?" Anthony thought to himself.

He pulled into the right and rolled down his window; It was him. He was sitting with his head hung low, completely drenched from the rain.

"Ian?" He shouted from the car.

Ian didn't respond. Anthony opened his door and got out, holding a hand above his head as he jogged round to the bus stop.

"Ian...?" He said softly.

Ian looked up at him. "Oh, hey..."

"What're you doing out in rain?" Anthony asked with concern.

"Well, Jake and me had a fight. I left his apartment but didn't have my car at his, so I just decided to walk home, then the rain started."

Anthony sat down next to him. "Ian, you're completely soaked. C'mon I'll take you home."

"You sure?"

"Of course I'm sure, that's a stupid question. You think I'd just let you sit out here in the cold." Anthony gave him a warm smile.

Ian smiled back at him. They both got up and walked over, getting into Anthony's car. Anthony turned the heat on full to keep Ian warm.


There was a comfortable silence in the car as they drove.

"You warm enough now?" Anthony asked.

Ian gave him a smile, "Yeah, I'm good. Thanks."

"So...what was the fight about, if you don't mind me asking?"

"No, no, it's fine, I don't mind. was actually kind of, about you..."

Anthony furrowed his brow,"Me?"

"Yeah, I mean it didn't start off about you, but then he started accusing me of still being in love with you."

"Oh....So how did I even become part of the conversation?"

"You're going to think it's really stupid when I tell you."

"No I won't, I could never think that about you."

Ian gave a small smile. "Well....we..we were arguing about sex."

Anthony felt a little awkward. "Alright..."

"Okay don't laugh at this, but...but we've never had sex."

Anthony was surprised, and at the same time relieved. "No, of course I wouldn't laugh. I'm a little surprised, I thought you would have done it by now."

"No, we haven't. From the start of our relationship I told him we were never together, and that I'd never dated a guy before, so he thought I was a virgin. Then that night you got drunk and came to the house you basically spilled the beans."

"Oh, yeah, sorry about that." Anthony apologised.

"No it's fine. It was bound to come out at some point. But anyways, we'd been arguing about sex before that, because he kept pressuring me to do it and I kept saying I didn't want to yet; that I was too scared and nervous. Which was true, I mean you're the only guy I've ever been with."

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